具有延迟的纯 CSS 动画可见性

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时间:2020-08-30 11:17:27  来源:igfitidea点击:

Pure CSS animation visibility with delay


提问by sebastienbarbier

I am trying to implement some animation onLoad without Javascript. JS is easy, CSS is ... not.

我正在尝试在没有 Javascript 的情况下实现一些 onLoad 动画。JS 很简单,CSS 则......不是。

I have a divwhich should be on display: none;and should be display: block;after 3 secondes. Lots of resources told me animate does not work with display, but should with visibility(which I use often in my transition).

我有一个div应该打开display: none;并且应该display: block;在 3 秒后。许多资源告诉我 animate 不适用于display,但应该与visibility(我在过渡中经常使用)。

Right know I have this terrible javascript function :

知道我有这个可怕的 javascript 函数:

<script type="text/javascript">
        setTimeout(function () {
        }, 3000);

I tried some animation in CSS but no result ... nothing seems to work.

我在 CSS 中尝试了一些动画,但没有结果......似乎没有任何效果。

I have few animation in my page, but just struggling with the display: none;on animation.

我的页面中几乎没有动画,但只是display: none;在动画中挣扎。

@-moz-keyframes showEffect {
    0% { display: none; visibility: hidden; }
    100% { display: block; visibility: block;  }

@-webkit-keyframes showEffect {
    0% { display: none; visibility: hidden; }
    100% { display: block; visibility: block;  }

@keyframes showEffect {
    0% { display: none; visibility: hidden; }
    100% { display: block; visibility: block;  }

.css_only {
    -moz-animation-name: showEffect;
    -moz-animation-iteration-count: 1;
    -moz-animation-timing-function: ease-in;
    -moz-animation-duration: 2.3s;

    -webkit-animation-name: showEffect;
    -webkit-animation-iteration-count: 1;
    -webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in;
    -webkit-animation-duration: 2.3s;

    animation-name: showEffect;
    animation-iteration-count: 1;
    animation-timing-function: ease-in;
    animation-duration: 2.3s;

It is important as hidden, this element does not take space at all. I created a JSFiddleto make quite tests.

重要的是隐藏,这个元素根本不占用空间。我创建了一个 JSFiddle来进行相当多的测试。

My main concerne is SEO ... I don't think the JS option is really nice for that which is why I would like a pure CSS alternative. Also interested to test those animations and see where are those limits (Am I seeing one right now ?). Kinda having fun on such challenge.

我主要关注的是 SEO ......我认为 JS 选项并不适合,这就是为什么我想要一个纯 CSS 替代方案。也有兴趣测试这些动画,看看这些限制在哪里(我现在看到了吗?)。在这样的挑战中有点乐趣。

Thanks for reading, hope someone has an answer.


回答by Oka

You are correct in thinking that displayis not animatable. It won't work, and you shouldn't bother including it in keyframe animations.


visibilityis technically animatable, but in a round about way. You need to hold the property for as long as needed, then snap to the new value. visibilitydoesn't tween between keyframes, it just steps harshly.


.ele {
  width: 60px;
  height: 60px;
  background-color: #ff6699;
  animation: 1s fadeIn;
  animation-fill-mode: forwards;
  visibility: hidden;

.ele:hover {
  background-color: #123;

@keyframes fadeIn {
  99% {
    visibility: hidden;
  100% {
    visibility: visible;
<div class="ele"></div>

If you want to fade, you use opacity. If you include a delay, you'll need visibilityas well, to stop the user from interacting with the element while it's not visible.

如果要淡化,请使用opacity. 如果包含延迟,则还需要visibility阻止用户在元素不可见时与其交互。

.ele {
  width: 60px;
  height: 60px;
  background-color: #ff6699;
  animation: 1s fadeIn;
  animation-fill-mode: forwards;
  visibility: hidden;

.ele:hover {
  background-color: #123;

@keyframes fadeIn {
  0% {
    opacity: 0;
  100% {
    visibility: visible;
    opacity: 1;
<div class="ele"></div>

Both examples use animation-fill-mode, which can hold an element's visual state after an animation ends.


回答by Leo

Use animation-delay:


div {
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
    background: red;
    opacity: 0;

    animation: fadeIn 3s;
    animation-delay: 5s;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;

@keyframes fadeIn {
    from { opacity: 0; }
    to { opacity: 1; }



回答by James Yang

You can play with delayprop of animation, just set visibility:visibleafter a delay, demo:


@keyframes delayedShow {
  to {
    visibility: visible;

  visibility: hidden;
  animation: 0s linear 2.3s forwards delayedShow ;
So, Where are you?

<div class="delayedShow">
  Hey, I'm here!

回答by maioman

you can't animate every property,


here'sa reference to which are the animatable properties


visibility is animatable while display isn't...


in your case you could also animate opacityor heightdepending of the kind of effect you want to render_


fiddle with opacity animation


回答by Isaac Minogue

Unfortunately you can't animate the displayproperty. For a full list of what you can animate, try this CSS animation listby w3 Schools.

不幸的是,您无法为该display属性设置动画。有关可以设置动画的完整列表,请尝试w3 Schools 的这个CSS 动画列表

If you want to retain it's visual position on the page, you should try animating either it's height(which will still affect the position of other elements), or opacity(how transparent it is). You could even try animating the z-index, which is the position on the z axis (depth), by putting an element over the top of it, and then rearranging what's on top. However, I'd suggest using opacity, as it retains the vertical space where the element is.

如果你想保留它在页面上的视觉位置,你应该尝试动画它height(这仍然会影响其他元素的位置)或opacity(它的透明度)。您甚至可以z-index通过将一个元素放在它的顶部,然后重新排列顶部的内容,来尝试为 z 轴(深度)上的位置设置动画。但是,我建议使用opacity,因为它保留了元素所在的垂直空间。

I've updated the fiddleto show an example.


Good luck!
