CSS 如何使用自定义类覆盖 Bootstrap 3 中的表单控件类?

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时间:2020-08-30 11:16:16  来源:igfitidea点击:

How do I overwrite the form-control class in Bootstrap 3 with a custom class?


提问by johnny

I am trying to override the width in the form-control class of Bootstrap 3.

我正在尝试覆盖 Bootstrap 3 的表单控件类中的宽度。



<div class="col-xs-2">
         <label for="input-lastname" class="">Last Name</label>
         <input type="text" name="lastname" class="form-control my-form-inline" id="input-lastname" value="<?php  echo isset($_GET['lastname']) ? $_GET['lastname'] : 'empty';  ?>">

I have this:


.form-control {
    min-width: 0;
    width: 25px;

widthnever works but the color:reddoes. Using the developer tools in Chrome, I see where .form-control.form-inlinehave width:auto. As soon as I uncheck widthin those classes, I get my custom class.

width从不工作,但color:red确实如此。使用 Chrome 中的开发人员工具,我看到哪里.form-control.form-inlinewidth:auto. 一旦我取消选中width这些类,我就会得到我的自定义类。

I have my custom css as the last file loaded, so the order should be right.

我有我的自定义 css 作为加载的最后一个文件,所以顺序应该是正确的。

I have tried:


.form-control, .my-form-inline {
    min-width: 0;
    width: 25px;

.form-control {
    min-width: 0;
    width: 25px;

.form-control, .form-inline, .my-form-inline{
    min-width: 0;
    width: 25px;

I seem to be able to override everything but the width. My form's class is form-inline.


I have tried putting the form controls in a div with col-md-2(and xs), but it only seems to affect the label, not the input. I can never override the width:autounless I do it inline on the control in the HTML. Removing the form-controlclass also allows me, as expected, to get my custom class.

我试过将表单控件放在一个带有col-md-2(和 xs)的 div 中,但它似乎只影响标签,而不是输入。width:auto除非我在 HTML 中的控件上内联,否则我永远无法覆盖。form-control正如预期的那样,删除类还允许我获得自定义类。

EDIT: For whatever reason, the forms.less mixin is winning over the style I load last.

编辑:无论出于何种原因,forms.less mixin 都赢得了我最后加载的样式。

EDIT: The problem has to do with my specificity vs. Bootstrap's. I have this inline in the header:

编辑:问题与我与 Bootstrap 的特异性有关。我在标题中有这个内联:

@media (min-width: 768px) {

    .form-inline .form-control {
      display: inline-block;
      width: auto;
      vertical-align: middle;

        min-width: 0;
        width: 25px;

But the width is still overridden by some specificity I cannot find.


回答by Kashif Ullah

Try to add !importantafter width property valueas:

尝试在!important之后添加width property value

.form-control {
    min-width: 0;
    width: 25px !important;

回答by johnny

I was finally able to figure this out. My level of specificity was incorrect, and my reference was also wrong. It should have been:


.form-inline .my-form-inline
    min-width: 0;
    width: 25px;

It did not need to be in the correct @mediasection.
