C Programming Basic
C is a general-purpose, procedural computer programming language.
C++ Tutorial
C++ is a popular general-purpose object-oriented programming language.
java awt
Java AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) is an API to develop Graphical User Interface (GUI) or windows-based applications in Java.
Swing is a GUI widget toolkit for Java.It's a part of Java Foundation Classes (JFC) which providing a graphical user interface for Java.
JavaFX is an open source, next generation client application platform for desktop, mobile and embedded systems built on Java.
Apache Struts is a free, open-source, MVC framework for creating elegant, modern Java web applications.
AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is a web development technique used to create interactive web applications.
AngularJS is a discontinued free and open-source JavaScript-based web framework for developing single-page applications.
Apache ant
Apache Ant is a software tool for automating software build processes as a replacement for the Make build tool of Unix.
Apache CXF
Apache CXF is an open source software project developing a Web services framework.
Android is a mobile operating system based on a modified version of the Linux kernel and other open-source software.
Apache derby
Apache Derby is a relational database management system that can be embedded in Java programs and used for online transaction processing.
Apache flume
Apache Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available software for efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log data.
- Java url urlconnection
- Java udp datagram sockets
- Java sockets
- Java server sockets
- Java protocol design
- StringBuilder Class Methods List
- StringBuilder Class
- StringBuffer Class Methods List
- StringBuffer Class
- String Class Methods List
- String Class
- Number Class Methods List
- Number Class
- Math Class Methods List
- Math Class
- DateTime Class Methods List
- DateTime Class
- Character Class Methods List
- Character Class
Apache httpclient
Apache HttpClient (Apache HttpComponents Client)is a HTTP/1.1 compliant HTTP agent implementation based on Apache HttpComponents HttpCore. It also provides reusable components for client-side authentication, HTTP state management, and HTTP connection mana
Apache ivy
Apache Ivy is a transitive package manager. It works to resolve project dependencies of Ant project
ASP.NET MVC is a web application framework developed by Microsoft that implements the model–view–controller pattern.
D3.js is a JavaScript library for producing dynamic, interactive data visualizations in web browsers.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is an extension of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). It uses encryption for secure communication over a computer network, and is widely used on the Internet.
JavaScript, often abbreviated as JS, is a programming language that is one of the core technologies of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and CSS.
Perl is a family of two high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming languages.
Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability with the use of significant indentation.
R Programming language
R is a programming language for statistical computing and graphics.
A Jakarta Servlet (formerly Java Servlet) is a Java software component that extends the capabilities of a server.
- Java program to check whether an alphabet is vowel or consonant
- Java program to count the number of vowels and consonants in a sentence
- Java program to update value of hashmap using key
- Java program to find transpose of a matrix
- Java program to swap two numbers
- Java program to check whether a number can be expressed as sum of two prime numbers
- Java program to calculate the sum of natural numbers
- Java program to find the sum of natural numbers using recursion
- Java program to convert string type variables into int
- Java program to convert a string into the inputstream
- Java program to convert string variables to double
- Java program to convert string type variables into boolean
- Java program to create string from contents of a file
- Java program to check if a string is empty or null
- Java program to convert string to date
Structured Query Language, abbreviated as SQL, is a domain-specific language used in programming and designed for managing data held in a relational database management system
- Java read file data from database using jdbc
- Java jdbc tutorial sql insert select update and delete examples
- Java jdbc examples for calling stored procedures mysql
- Java jdbc driver library download
- Java jdbc database connection url for common databases
- Java jdbc batch update examples
- java jdbc transactions tutorial
- java jdbc example connect to microsoft access database
- java connecting to mongodb database examples
- Java insert file data into mysql database using jdbc
- Java how to work with derby in embedded mode using jdbc
- Java how to work with derby database in network client server mode
- Java how to use updatable result sets with jdbc
- Java how to use scrollable result sets with jdbc
- Java how to use cachedrowset in jdbc