设置 CSS 最高百分比未按预期工作

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时间:2020-08-30 02:57:10  来源:igfitidea点击:

Setting CSS top percent not working as expected


提问by HornedReaper

I tried a responsive css layout,but "top:50%" can't work and the "left:50%" can. Why it happened?

我尝试了响应式 css 布局,但是“top:50%”不能工作,而“left:50%”可以。为什么会发生?

<div style="position:relative;top:0%;left:0%;height:100%;width:100%">
    <div style="position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;">

采纳答案by user3030212

Define a dimension for the parent container, e.g. div:

为父容器定义一个维度,例如 div:

<div style="border: 2px solid red;position:relative;top:0%;left:0%;height:200px;width:300px">
    <div style="border: 2px solid green;position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;height:50%;width:50%">



Another way is to just stretch the parent container, i.e. div, by its top, bottom, left, and right properties. Like this:

另一种方法是仅通过其顶部、底部、左侧和右侧属性拉伸父容器,即 div。像这样:

<div style="border: 2px solid red;position: absolute;top: 0px;bottom: 0px;left:0px;right:0px;">
    <div style="border: 2px solid green;position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;height:50%;width:50%">

回答by Marc Audet

Consider your original HTML:

考虑您的原始 HTML:

html, body {
  height: 100%;
<div style="position:relative;top:0%;left:0%;height:100%;width:100%">
  <div style="position:absolute;top:50%;left:50%;">test</div>

The inner/child divhas position: absolute, so it is out of the content flow of the parent element and will not contribute to the height or width of the parent element.

内部/子元素div具有position: absolute,因此它在父元素的内容流之外,并且不会对父元素的高度或宽度做出贡献。

The parent divis in the content flow, but has no content, so its intrinsic height would be zero. However, you specified height: 100%, but this will not do anything because the divhas no height reference on which to base a computed value. So the computed height value for the parent divis zero.

父级div在内容流中,但没有内容,因此其固有高度为零。但是,您指定了height: 100%,但这不会执行任何操作,因为div没有作为计算值基础的高度参考。因此,父项的计算高度值div为零。

As a result, the child element's topoffset computes to 50%of zero, so it is positioned at the top edge of the parent block.


You would need either to specify a height for the parent divor assign


html, body {height: 100%} 

as this would allow the divto compute its height based on the height of the body, which is based on the height of the html, which being 100%, takes that of the screen.

因为这将允许div根据 的高度计算其高度,该高度 body基于 的高度html,为 100%,采用屏幕的高度。

回答by Huginn

See the link below. I believe you're going to have a better result with Fixed for what it is you're trying to do, although I'm still not 100% sure I understand what that is.

请参阅下面的链接。我相信您会通过 Fixed 获得更好的结果,尽管我仍然不能 100% 确定我理解那是什么。



body {background:#e9e9e9; color:#202020;}
#wrapper {width:500px; background:#fff; margin:50% auto;}
.centered-content {position: fixed; top: 50%; left: 50%; background:#fff; padding:20px;}