CSS 如何在 Yii2 Gridview 中更改 1 行的背景
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How to change background of 1 row in Yii2 Gridview
提问by Paramone
I'm working with Yii 2, and it's grid view to show information.
我正在使用 Yii 2,它是显示信息的网格视图。
Now, my problem is that whenever a user scans two identical serial numbers and/or mac addresses, it should highlight the row (change color to red), and show some error sign or whatever.
现在,我的问题是,每当用户扫描两个相同的序列号和/或 mac 地址时,它应该突出显示该行(将颜色更改为红色),并显示一些错误标志或其他内容。
What I want it to look like:
I'm new to Yii2 and don't exactly know how they do it with the grid view. I've been researching on this specific problem but couldn't find anything.
我是 Yii2 的新手,并不完全知道他们是如何使用网格视图来做到这一点的。我一直在研究这个特定问题,但找不到任何东西。
Code for Gridview
Gridview 的代码
<?= GridView::widget([
'id' => 'scan-batch-grid',
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
'columns' => [
['class' => 'yii\grid\SerialColumn'],
['class' => 'yii\grid\CheckboxColumn'],
'attribute' => 'product_ID',
'value' => 'product.name'
'class' => 'yii\grid\ActionColumn',
'urlCreator' => function ($action, $model, $key, $index) {
return Url::to(['scan-batch/view', 'id' => $key, 'scan' => $model->scan_batch_ID]);
'buttons' => [
'update' => function ($url, $model, $key) {
return '';
'delete' => function ($url, $model, $key) {
return '';
]); ?>
I only want to know how to change the color of only one row.
回答by Paramone
Got it!
Yii2 : Adding Classes to Rows in the GridView (YouTube)
Yii2:向 GridView 中的行添加类 (YouTube)
Yii2 Gridview row by row css expression
Simply add rowOptions to your gridview.
只需将 rowOptions 添加到您的 gridview。
<?= GridView::widget([
'id' => 'scan-batch-grid',
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
if($a == $b){
return ['class' => 'danger'];
回答by DrBorrow
Thanks for posting your answer Paramone. Worked great.
感谢您发布您的回答 Paramone。工作得很好。
Here is my implementation:
<?= GridView::widget([
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
'rowOptions' => function ($model) {
if ($model->name == 'test') {
return ['class' => 'info'];