CSS 在 Bootstrap3 中更改导航栏高度

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时间:2020-08-30 01:01:00  来源:igfitidea点击:

Change navbar height in Bootstrap3


提问by user2820

I'm trying to reduce the height of Bootstrap3's fixed navbar. I found the @navbar-heightvariable in variable. less, and changed it, but it doesn't seem to change anything. I also tries these solutions: "Change navbar height", "Navbar height changing". No result.


Any idea?




回答by Bass Jobsen



As per response on https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/11443@mdo wrote:

根据https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/11443 上的回复@mdo 写道:

Change the @navbar-heightand @navbar-padding-verticaland you should get it.


Example, set @navbar-height: 20px;and @navbar-padding-vertical: 0;, see: http://bootply.com/100604

示例,设置@navbar-height: 20px;@navbar-padding-vertical: 0;,参见:http: //bootply.com/100604

Note this doesn't set the height of the .navbar-formelements


end update


The navbar itself has no defined width. Cause Bootstrap use the border-boxmodel, the height is set by the highest element inside it.

导航栏本身没有定义的宽度。原因 Bootstrap 使用边界框模型,高度由其中的最高元素设置。

Notice the navbar will have a min-height (set to 50px the default navbar height). @navbar-height in navbar.less sets this min-height.

请注意导航栏将有一个最小高度(设置为 50px 的默认导航栏高度)。navbar.less 中的 @navbar-height 设置了这个最小高度。

also read it's comments:


// Ensure a navbar always shows (e.g., without a .navbar-brand in collapsed mode)

// 确保导航栏始终显示(例如,在折叠模式下没有 .navbar-brand)

To change the height you will have to change the heights of the inside elements.




The .navbar-brand class got a height of 50px. Defined by a padding of 15px + a line-height of 20px;. (2 x 15 + 20 = 50).

.navbar-brand 类的高度为 50px。由 15px 的 padding + 20px 的 line-height 定义。(2 x 15 + 20 = 50)。

The line-height is set in navbar.less too by @line-height-computed. With @line-height-computed defined in variables.less as floor(@font-size-base * @line-height-base); // ~20px

行高也由@line-height-computed 在 navbar.less 中设置。@line-height-computed 在 variables.less 中定义为 floor(@font-size-base * @line-height-base); // ~20px

@line-height-computed will also used in forms, navigation, etc. so changing it and recompile Bootstrap will not only effect your navbar.

@line-height-computed 还将用于表单、导航等。因此更改它并重新编译 Bootstrap 不仅会影响您的导航栏。

The above make it impossible to set your navbar height with Less.

以上使得无法使用 Less 设置导航栏高度。

The padding is defined by navbar-padding-verticalbut this variables is NOT used for setting the padding of the navbar links (.navbar-nav > li > a)

填充由定义navbar-padding-vertical但此变量不用于设置导航栏链接的填充(.navbar-nav > li > a)

Use css to manipulate the line-height (so font-size) and padding of .navbar-brand to change its height and so the height of the navbar.

使用 css 来操作 .navbar-brand 的行高(所以字体大小)和填充来改变它的高度和导航栏的高度。

.navbar-nav > li > a

.navbar-nav > li > a

The .navbar-nav > li > a class, the links in your navbar also defines a height of 50px (padding of 15 bottom/top) and a line-height of 20x again. Note the padding is first set to 10px hard code in navbar.less and overwritten by ((@navbar-height - @line-height-computed) / 2)(higher precedence) for @media (min-width: @grid-float-breakpoint)

.navbar-nav > li > 一个类,导航栏中的链接还定义了 50px 的高度(底部/顶部填充 15)和 20x 的行高。请注意,填充首先在 navbar.less 中设置为 10px 硬代码,并被((@navbar-height - @line-height-computed) / 2)(更高的优先级) 覆盖@media (min-width: @grid-float-breakpoint)

Also in this case the line-height of the links will be set by @line-height-computed.

同样在这种情况下,链接的行高将由@line-height-computed 设置。

Other elements


Also element like forms, dropdown will have a calculated height.


Overall it seems you will have to use css for the different elements of your fixed navbar to sets it's height.

总的来说,您似乎必须对固定导航栏的不同元素使用 css 来设置它的高度。

See also: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/11443and https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/11444

另见:https: //github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/11443https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/11444

回答by user2982173

.navbar {
    padding: 0;
    transition: background 0.5s ease-in-out 0s, padding 0.5s ease-in-out 0s;
.navbar-brand {
    float: left;
    font-size: 18px;
    height: 10px;
    line-height: 2px;
    padding: 2px;

It should override scrolling-nav.css

它应该覆盖 scrolling-nav.css