C# 套接字编程入门 - 最佳实践
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Getting started with socket programming in C# - Best practices
提问by Navaneeth K N
I have seen many resources here on SO about Sockets. I believe none of them covered the details which I wanted to know. In my application, server does all the processing and send periodic updates to the clients.
Intention of this post is to cover all the basic ideas required when developing a socket application and discuss the best practices. Here are the basic things that you will see with almost all socket based applications.
1 - Binding and listening on a socket
1 -绑定和监听套接字
I am using the following code. It works well on my machine. Do I need to take care about something else when I deploy this on a real server?
IPHostEntry localHost = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName());
IPEndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(localHost.AddressList[0], 4444);
serverSocket = new Socket(endPoint.AddressFamily, SocketType.Stream,
2 - Receiving data
2 -接收数据
I have used a 255 sized byte array. So when I am receiving data which is more than 255 bytes, I need to call the receive method until I get the full data, right? Once I got the full data, I need to append all the bytes received so far to get the full message. Is that correct? Or is there a better approach?
我使用了一个 255 大小的字节数组。所以当我接收超过 255 字节的数据时,我需要调用接收方法直到我得到完整的数据,对吗?获得完整数据后,我需要附加到目前为止收到的所有字节以获取完整消息。那是对的吗?或者有更好的方法吗?
3 - Sending data and specifying the data length
3 -发送数据并指定数据长度
Since there is no way in TCP to find the length of the message to receive, I am planning to add the length to the message. This will be the first byte of the packet. So client systems knows how much data is available to read.
由于在 TCP 中无法找到要接收的消息的长度,因此我打算将长度添加到消息中。这将是数据包的第一个字节。所以客户端系统知道有多少数据可以读取。
Any other better approach?
4 - Closing the client
4 -关闭客户端
When client is closed, it will send a message to server indicating the close. Server will remove the client details from it's client list. Following is the code used at client side to disconnect the socket (messaging part not shown).
Any suggestions or problems?
5 - Closing the server
5 -关闭服务器
Server sends message to all clients indicating the shutdown. Each client will disconnect the socket when it receives this message. Clients will send the close message to server and close. Once server receives close message from all the clients, it disconnects the socket and stop listening. Call Disposeon each client sockets to release the resources. Is that the correct approach?
6 - Unknown client disconnections
6 -未知客户端断开连接
Sometimes, a client may disconnect without informing the server. My plan to handle this is: When server sends messages to all clients, check the socket status. If it is not connected, remove that client from the client list and close the socket for that client.
Any help would be great!
回答by jerryjvl
Since this is 'getting started' my answer will stick with a simple implementation rather than a highly scalable one. It's best to first feel comfortable with the simple approach before making things more complicated.
1 - Binding and listening
Your code seems fine to me, personally I use:
1 - 绑定和聆听
serverSocket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 4444));
Rather than going the DNS route, but I don't think there is a real problem either way.
而不是走 DNS 路线,但我认为无论哪种方式都没有真正的问题。
1.5 - Accepting client connections
Just mentioning this for completeness' sake... I am assuming you are doing this otherwise you wouldn't get to step 2.
1.5 - 接受客户端连接
只是为了完整性才提到这一点......我假设您正在这样做,否则您将无法进入第 2 步。
2 - Receiving data
I would make the buffer a little longer than 255 bytes, unless you can expect all your server messages to be at most 255 bytes. I think you'd want a buffer that is likely to be larger than the TCP packet size so you can avoid doing multiple reads to receive a single block of data.
2 - 接收数据
我会让缓冲区比 255 字节长一点,除非您可以期望所有服务器消息最多为 255 字节。我认为您需要一个可能大于 TCP 数据包大小的缓冲区,这样您就可以避免多次读取以接收单个数据块。
I'd say picking 1500 bytes should be fine, or maybe even 2048 for a nice round number.
我会说选择 1500 字节应该没问题,或者甚至 2048 是一个不错的整数。
Alternately, maybe you can avoid using a byte[]
to store data fragments, and instead wrap your server-side client socket in a NetworkStream
, wrapped in a BinaryReader
, so that you can read the components of your message direclty from the socket without worrying about buffer sizes.
或者,也许您可以避免使用 abyte[]
包装在 a 中BinaryReader
,包装在 a 中,以便您可以从套接字直接读取消息的组件,而无需担心缓冲区大小。
3 - Sending data and specifying data length
Your approach will work just fine, but it does obviously require that it is easy to calculate the length of the packet before you start sending it.
3 - 发送数据并指定数据长度
Alternately, if your message format (order of its components) is designed in a fashion so that at any time the client will be able to determine if there should be more data following (for example, code 0x01 means next will be an int and a string, code 0x02 means next will be 16 bytes, etc, etc). Combined with the NetworkStream
approach on the client side, this may be a very effective approach.
或者,如果您的消息格式(其组件的顺序)以某种方式设计,以便客户端可以随时确定是否应该有更多数据跟随(例如,代码 0x01 表示接下来将是一个 int 和一个字符串,代码 0x02 表示接下来将是 16 个字节,等等)。结合NetworkStream
To be on the safe side you may want to add validation of the components being received to make sure you only process sane values. For example, if you receive an indication for a string of length 1TB you may have had a packet corruption somewhere, and it may be safer to close the connection and force the client to re-connect and 'start over'. This approach gives you a very good catch-all behaviour in case of unexpected failures.
为了安全起见,您可能需要添加对接收到的组件的验证,以确保您只处理合理的值。例如,如果您收到长度为 1TB 的字符串的指示,则您可能在某处发生了数据包损坏,关闭连接并强制客户端重新连接并“重新开始”可能会更安全。这种方法在发生意外故障时为您提供了非常好的包罗万象的行为。
4/5 - Closing the client and the server
Personally I would opt for just Close
without further messages; when a connection is closed you will get an exception on any blocking read/write at the other end of the connection which you will have to cater for.
4/5 - 关闭客户端和服务器 就
Since you have to cater for 'unknown disconnections' anyway to get a robust solution, making disconnecting any more complicated is generally pointless.
6 - Unknown disconnections
I would not trust even the socket status... it is possible for a connection to die somewhere along the path between client / server without either the client or the server noticing.
6 - 未知的断开连接
The only guaranteed way to tell a connection that has died unexpectedly is when you next try to sendsomething along the connection. At that point you will always get an exception indicating failure if anything has gone wrong with the connection.
As a result, the only fool-proof way to detect all unexpected connections is to implement a 'ping' mechanism, where ideally the client and the server will periodically send a message to the other end that only results in a response message indicating that the 'ping' was received.
To optimise out needless pings, you may want to have a 'time-out' mechanism that only sends a ping when no other traffic has been received from the other end for a set amount of time (for example, if the last message from the server is more than x seconds old, the client sends a ping to make sure the connection has not died without notification).
为了优化不必要的 ping,您可能需要一种“超时”机制,该机制仅在一段时间内没有从另一端接收到其他流量时才发送 ping(例如,如果来自终端的最后一条消息)服务器超过 x 秒,客户端发送 ping 以确保连接没有在没有通知的情况下终止)。
More advanced
If you want high scalability you will have to look into asynchronous methods for all the socket operations (Accept / Send / Receive). These are the 'Begin/End' variants, but they are a lot more complicated to use.
I recommend against trying this until you have the simple version up and working.
Also note that if you are not planning to scale further than a few dozen clients this is not actually going to be a problem regardless. Async techniques are really only necessary if you intend to scale into the thousands or hundreds of thousands of connected clients while not having your server die outright.
I probably have forgotten a whole bunch of other important suggestions, but this should be enough to get you a fairly robust and reliable implementation to start with
回答by dtb
1 - Binding and listening on a socket
1 -绑定和监听套接字
Looks fine to me. Your code will bind the socket only to one IP address though. If you simply want to listen on any IP address/network interface, use IPAddress.Any
对我来说看起来不错。不过,您的代码只会将套接字绑定到一个 IP 地址。如果您只想侦听任何 IP 地址/网络接口,请使用IPAddress.Any
serverSocket.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 4444));
To be future proof, you may want to support IPv6. To listen on any IPv6 address, use IPAddress.IPv6Any
in place of IPAddress.Any
为了面向未来,您可能希望支持 IPv6。要侦听任何 IPv6 地址,请使用IPAddress.IPv6Any
Note that you cannot listen on any IPv4 and any IPv6 address at the same time, except if you use a Dual-Stack Socket. This will require you to unset the IPV6_V6ONLY
socket option:
请注意,您不能同时侦听任何 IPv4 和任何 IPv6 地址,除非您使用Dual-Stack Socket。这将要求您取消设置IPV6_V6ONLY
serverSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IPv6, (SocketOptionName)27, 0);
To enable Teredowith your socket, you need to set the PROTECTION_LEVEL_UNRESTRICTED
socket option:
serverSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IPv6, (SocketOptionName)23, 10);
2 - Receiving data
2 -接收数据
I'd recommend using a NetworkStream
which wraps the socket in a Stream
instead of reading the chunks manually.
我建议使用 aNetworkStream
将套接字包装在 a 中,Stream
Reading a fixed number of bytes is a bit awkward though:
using (var stream = new NetworkStream(serverSocket)) {
var buffer = new byte[MaxMessageLength];
while (true) {
int type = stream.ReadByte();
if (type == BYE) break;
int length = stream.ReadByte();
int offset = 0;
offset += stream.Read(buffer, offset, length - offset);
while (offset < length);
ProcessMessage(type, buffer, 0, length);
Where NetworkStream
really shines is that you can use it like any other Stream
. If security is important, simply wrap the NetworkStream
in a SslStream
to authenticate the server and (optionally) the clients with X.509 certificates. Compression works the same way.
。如果安全性很重要,只需将 包装NetworkStream
在 a 中SslStream
以使用 X.509 证书对服务器和(可选)客户端进行身份验证。压缩的工作方式相同。
var sslStream = new SslStream(stream, false);
sslStream.AuthenticateAsServer(serverCertificate, false, SslProtocols.Tls, true);
// receive/send data SSL secured
3 - Sending data and specifying the data length
3 -发送数据并指定数据长度
Your approach should work, although you probably may not want to go down the road to reinventing the wheel and design a new protocol for this. Have a look at BEEPor maybe even something simple like protobuf.
Depending on your goals, it might be worth thinking about choosing an abstraction above sockets like WCF or some other RPC mechanism.
根据您的目标,可能值得考虑在套接字之上选择抽象,如 WCF 或其他一些 RPC 机制。
4/5/6 - Closing & Unknown disconnections
4/5/6 -关闭和未知的断开连接
What jerryjvlsaid :-) The only reliable detection mechanism are pings or sending keep-alives when the connection is idle.
While you have to deal with unknown disconnections in any case, I'd personally keep some protocol element in to close a connection in mutual agreement instead of just closing it without warning.
回答by Dzmitry Huba
Consider using asynchronous sockets. You can find more information on the subject in