CSS 如何设置竖线的样式,即“|”?

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时间:2020-08-30 03:51:36  来源:igfitidea点击:

How to style the vertical bar i.e. "|"?


提问by ashishjmeshram

How do I style the vertical bar i.e. "|"? I need to vary the width and the height of the "|".


This is what I am trying to do.


<a href="link1"> Link 1 </a> | <a href="link2"> Link 2 </a>

回答by Guffa

Put it in an element, and style the element:


<span class="bar">|</span>

In your style sheet, for example:


.bar { font-size: 20px; }

回答by Joe Flynn

You shouldn't be using the pipe (|) as a separator, use css instead.

您不应该使用管道 ( |) 作为分隔符,而应使用 css。

Say the anchors were in a div, with id equal to breadcrumbs, like this:

假设锚点在一个 div 中,id 等于breadcrumbs,如下所示:

<div id="breadcrumbs">
    <a href="#">One</a>
    <a href="#">Two</a>
    <a href="#">Three</a>

You could then add separators between them with a couple css rules, like this:

然后,您可以使用几个 css 规则在它们之间添加分隔符,如下所示:

#breadcrumbs a {
    padding: 0.5em;
    border-right: 5px solid green;

#breadcrumbs a:last-child {
    border-right: none;

You could vary the size, style and color of the separator with the border-right: 5px solid greenrule. Here's an example(updated) in action. Here's some documentationon border styling.

您可以使用规则更改分隔符的大小、样式和颜色border-right: 5px solid green这是一个正在运行的示例(更新)。 这是有关边框样式的一些文档

The second rule with :last-childprevents an extra separator after the last element.

第二条规则 with:last-child防止在最后一个元素之后出现额外的分隔符。

To vary the height of the separator, you would change the paddingon the first rule.


By popular demand, a list version:


If you put the links in a list:


<ul id="breadcrumb-list">
    <li><a href="#">One</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Two</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Three</a></li>

And use rules like this:


ul#breadcrumb-list li {
    display: inline-block;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 1em 1em 0 1em;
    border-right: 1px dotted blue;

ul#breadcrumb-list li:last-child {
    border-right: none;

You can use a ulto markup your list of links for better semantics. You have to add the inline-blockto put them on one line, liis by default a block level element.

您可以使用 aul来标记您的链接列表以获得更好的语义。您必须添加inline-block以将它们放在一行上,li默认情况下是块级元素。

I've also shown a different style you can achieve by varying the padding and border rules.


回答by dnagirl

|is a character, and as such, takes any stylings that you might apply to text. I get the impression though, that you might be trying to use |to construct a box border. If that is the case, you're much better off styling a block level element to have a border that attempting to use characters.


回答by ninjagecko

You can't really style individual characters easily with css, unless that's the only character in your element. If it's in a textarea you have no hope. If it isn't, you have hope: you have to manually augment it with <span class="specialBar">...</span>tags whenever it occurs in the text you want to style it in.

您无法真正使用 css 轻松设置单个字符的样式,除非这是您元素中的唯一字符。如果它在 textarea 中,你就没有希望了。如果不是,您就有希望:<span class="specialBar">...</span>只要它出现在您想要设置样式的文本中,您就必须手动添加标签。

You can also just use another unicode vertical-bar character which is more to your liking.

您也可以使用另一个更符合您喜好的 unicode 竖线字符。

edit, In response to:

"I basically wanted a seprator between links. Am i going in the wrong direction? – original poster"



Ideally you would use spans, which you can shape with CSS to emulate a thin vertical line:

理想情况下,您将使用跨度,您可以使用 CSS 对其进行整形以模拟一条细的垂直线:

emulate-with-a-span technique - (live demo):

emulate-with-a-span 技术 -(现场演示):

.linkSeparator {
    margin-bottom:-1em; /*value should be (height-1em)/2*/
    height:3em; width:0.25em;
    margin-left:0.5em; margin-right:0.5em;

link1<span class="linkSeparator"></span>link2<span class="linkSeparator">...

images technique:


You could also use images (less elegant, won't go into detail).


sibling selector technique - (live demo):

兄弟选择器技术 - (现场演示):

You can also set the border-lefton all links which aren't the first. According to the w3c spec on CSS2 adjacency selectors, "E + FMatches any F element immediately preceded by a sibling element E." Therefore:

您还可以border-left在不是第一个的所有链接上设置。根据关于CSS2 邻接选择器的 w3c 规范,“E + F匹配紧跟在同级元素 E 之前的任何 F 元素。” 所以:

.separatedLinks a+a {
    border-left: 2px solid black;

<??? class="separatedLinks">
    <a href="...">link1</a>
    <a href="...">link2</a>
    <a href="...">link3</a>

You might be able to find more examples at this google hit: http://meyerweb.com/eric/articles/webrev/200007a.html

您可以在此 google 搜索中找到更多示例:http: //meyerweb.com/eric/articles/webrev/200007a.html