CSS Bootstrap 3:当徽标增加导航栏高度时垂直居中导航链接

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时间:2020-08-30 00:59:41  来源:igfitidea点击:

Bootstrap 3 : Vertically Center Navigation Links when Logo Increasing The Height of Navbar


提问by Robert Scott

I'm new to the bootstrap framework.


Logo Increasing Height of NavBar:


In my navigation bar, I have inserted a logo that has a height of 50px. This obviously makes the navbar taller. I have not adjusted any CSS for this, it is simply the logo that is forcing the increased height.

在我的导航栏中,我插入了一个高度为 50 像素的徽标。这显然使导航栏更高。我没有为此调整任何 CSS,它只是强制增加高度的标志。



The links in the navbar are aligned to the top of the now taller navbar.




I'd like the links vertically centered in the navbar as that will look much better.


My assumption was to play with line-height values or padding. However, that introduced the problem of still taking effect on mobile browsers (when it switches to the toggle menu) so my expanded menu ends up being way too tall that it looked silly.


Any insight is greatly appreciated?


My CSS is the default bootstrap CSS downloaded with the latest version 3.0.2.

我的 CSS 是使用最新版本 3.0.2 下载的默认引导 CSS。

Here is my HTML:

这是我的 HTML:

<!-- Begin NavBar -->
<div class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-static-top" role="navigation">
  <div class="container">
    <div class="navbar-header">
      <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".menu2">
        <span class="sr-only">Toggle navigation</span>
        <span class="icon-bar"></span>
        <span class="icon-bar"></span>
        <span class="icon-bar"></span>
      <span class="navbar-brand" href="#"><img src="img/logo.png" width="210" height="50" alt="My Logo"></span>

    <div class="navbar-collapse collapse menu2">

      <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
        <li><a href="#">Link 1</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Link 2</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Link 3</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Link 4</a></li>

    </div><!--/.nav-collapse -->

It is those "Link 1", "Link 2", "Link 3" and "Link 4" links that are aligning to the top, when I really want them to be aligned vertically in the center.

正是那些“链接 1”、“链接 2”、“链接 3”和“链接 4”链接与顶部对齐,而我真的希望它们在中心垂直对齐。

回答by Matt Lambert

add this to your stylesheet. line-height should match the height of your logo


.navbar-nav li a {
 line-height: 50px;

Check out the fiddle at: http://jsfiddle.net/nD4tW/

查看小提琴:http: //jsfiddle.net/nD4tW/

回答by Gabriel Udrea

Matt's answer is fine, but just to avoid this to propagate to other elements inside the navbar (like when you also have a dropdown), use


.navbar-nav > li > a {
   line-height: 50px;

回答by Ross Allen

Use the Bootstrap Customizerto generate a version of Bootstrap that has a taller navbar. The value you want to change is @navbar-heightin the Navbar section.

使用Bootstrap 定制器生成具有更高导航栏的 Bootstrap 版本。您要更改的值@navbar-height位于Navbar 部分

Inspect your current implementation to see how tall your navbar is with the 50px brand image, and use that calculated height in the Customizer.

检查您当前的实现以查看您的导航栏与 50 像素品牌图像的高度,并在定制器中使用该计算的高度。

回答by spasticninja

Bootstrap sets the height of the navbar automatically to 50px. The padding above and below links is set to 15px. I think that bootstrap is adding padding to your logo.

Bootstrap 自动将导航栏的高度设置为 50px。链接上方和下方的填充设置为 15px。我认为引导程序正在为您的徽标添加填充。

You can either remove some of the padding above and below your logo or you can add more padding above and below links.


Adding more padding should look something like this:


nav.navbar-inverse>li>a {
 padding-top: 25px;
 padding-bottom: 25px;

回答by realh

I found that you don't necessarily need the text vertically centred, it also looks good near the bottom of the row, it's only when it's at the top (or above centre?) that it looks wrong. So I went with this to push the links to the bottom of the row:


.navbar-brand {
    min-height: 80px;

@media (min-width: 768px) {
    #navbar-collapse {
        position: absolute;
        bottom: 0px;
        left: 250px;

My brand image is SVG and I used height: 50px; width: autowhich makes it about 216px wide. It spilled out of its container vertically so I added the min-height: 80px;to make room for it plus bootstrap's 15px margins. Then I tweaked the navbar-collapse's leftsetting until it looked right.

我的品牌形象是 SVG,我使用height: 50px; width: auto它使它大约 216px 宽。它垂直地从容器中溢出,所以我添加了min-height: 80px;为它腾出空间以及引导程序的 15px 边距。然后我调整了navbar-collapse'sleft设置,直到它看起来正确。

回答by Eric

I actually ended up with something like this to allow for the navbar collapse.


@media (min-width: 768px) { //set this to wherever the navbar collapse executes
  .navbar-nav > li > a{
    line-height: 7em; //set this height to the height of the logo.