C# 何时使用 in vs ref vs out

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时间:2020-08-06 18:19:33  来源:igfitidea点击:

When to use in vs ref vs out


提问by Dale

Someone asked me the other day when they should use the parameter keyword outinstead of ref. While I (I think) understand the difference between the refand outkeywords (that has been asked before) and the best explanation seems to be that ref== inand out, what are some (hypothetical or code) examples where I should always use outand not ref.

前几天有人问我什么时候应该使用参数关键字out而不是ref. 虽然我(我认为)理解refout关键字(之前已经问过)之间的区别,并且最好的解释似乎是ref==inout,但我应该始终使用哪些(假设或代码)示例out而不是ref.

Since refis more general, why do you ever want to use out? Is it just syntactic sugar?


采纳答案by peterchen

You should use outunless you need ref.


It makes a big difference when the data needs to be marshalled e.g. to another process, which can be costly. So you want to avoid marshalling the initial value when the method doesn't make use of it.


Beyond that, it also shows the reader of the declaration or the call whether the initial value is relevant (and potentially preserved), or thrown away.


As a minor difference, an out parameter needs not be initialized.


Example for out:


string a, b;
person.GetBothNames(out a, out b);

where GetBothNames is a method to retrieve two values atomically, the method won't change behavior whatever a and b are. If the call goes to a server in Hawaii, copying the initial values from here to Hawaii is a waste of bandwidth. A similar snippet using ref:

其中 GetBothNames 是一种以原子方式检索两个值的方法,无论 a 和 b 是什么,该方法都不会改变行为。如果呼叫转到夏威夷的服务器,将初始值从这里复制到夏威夷是浪费带宽。使用 ref 的类似片段:

string a = String.Empty, b = String.Empty;
person.GetBothNames(ref a, ref b);

could confuse readers, because it looks like the initial values of a and b are relevant (though the method name would indicate they are not).

可能会让读者感到困惑,因为看起来 a 和 b 的初始值是相关的(尽管方法名称表明它们不是)。

Example for ref:


string name = textbox.Text;
bool didModify = validator.SuggestValidName(ref name);

Here the initial value is relevant to the method.


回答by Reed Copsey

Use out to denote that the parameter is not being used, only set. This helps the caller understand that you're always initializing the parameter.

使用 out 表示该参数未被使用,仅被设置。这有助于调用者了解您始终在初始化参数。

Also, ref and out are not just for value types. They also let you reset the object that a reference type is referencing from within a method.

此外, ref 和 out 不仅适用于值类型。它们还允许您重置引用类型从方法中引用的对象。

回答by leppie

outis more constraint version of ref.


In a method body, you need to assign to all outparameters before leaving the method. Also an values assigned to an outparameter is ignored, whereas refrequires them to be assigned.


So outallows you to do:


int a, b, c = foo(out a, out b);

where refwould require a and b to be assigned.

哪里ref需要分配 a 和 b。

回答by Adam Robinson

You're correct in that, semantically, refprovides both "in" and "out" functionality, whereas outonly provides "out" functionality. There are some things to consider:


  1. outrequires that the method accepting the parameter MUST, at some point before returning, assign a value to the variable. You find this pattern in some of the key/value data storage classes like Dictionary<K,V>, where you have functions like TryGetValue. This function takes an outparameter that holds what the value will be if retrieved. It wouldn't make sense for the caller to pass a value intothis function, so outis used to guarantee that some value will be in the variable after the call, even if it isn't "real" data (in the case of TryGetValuewhere the key isn't present).
  2. outand refparameters are marshaled differently when dealing with interop code
  1. out要求接受参数的方法必须在返回之前的某个时刻为变量赋值。您可以在某些键/值数据存储类(例如Dictionary<K,V>)中找到这种模式,其中具有TryGetValue. 此函数采用一个out参数,该参数保存检索后的值。这是没有意义的调用者传递一个值进入此功能,所以out被用来保证一定的价值会在通话结束后的变量,即使它是不是“真正”的数据(在的情况下TryGetValue,其中钥匙不存在)。
  2. outref参数在处理互操作代码时的封送方式不同

Also, as an aside, it's important to note that while reference types and value types differ in the nature of their value, every variable in your application points to a location of memory that holds a value, even for reference types. It just happens that, with reference types, the value contained in that location of memory is anothermemory location. When you pass values to a function (or do any other variable assignment), the value of that variable is copied into the other variable. For value types, that means that the entire content of the type is copied. For reference types, that means that the memory location is copied. Either way, it does create a copy of the data contained in the variable. The only real relevance that this holds deals with assignment semantics; when assigning a variable or passing by value (the default), when a new assignment is made to the original (or new) variable, it does not affect the other variable. In the case of reference types, yes, changes made to the instanceare available on both sides, but that's because the actual variable is just a pointer to another memory location; the content of the variable--the memory location--didn't actually change.


Passing with the refkeyword says that both the original variable andthe function parameter will actually point to the same memory location. This, again, affects only assignment semantics. If a new value is assigned to one of the variables, then because the other points to the same memory location the new value will be reflected on the other side.


回答by ParmesanCodice

Just to clarify on OP's comment that the use on ref and out is a "reference to a value type or struct declared outside the method", which has already been established in incorrect.

只是为了澄清 OP 的评论,在 ref 和 out 上的使用是“对在方法之外声明的值类型或结构的引用”,这已经被错误地建立了。

Consider the use of ref on a StringBuilder, which is a reference type:

考虑在 StringBuilder 上使用 ref,它是一种引用类型:

private void Nullify(StringBuilder sb, string message)
    sb = null;

// -- snip --

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
string message = "Hi Guy";
Nullify(sb, message);

// Output
// Hi Guy

As apposed to this:


private void Nullify(ref StringBuilder sb, string message)
    sb = null;

// -- snip --

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
string message = "Hi Guy";
Nullify(ref sb, message);

// Output
// NullReferenceException

回答by Lorenz Lo Sauer

It depends on the compile context (See Example below).


outand refboth denote variable passing by reference, yet refrequires the variable to be initialized before being passed, which can be an important difference in the context of Marshaling (Interop: UmanagedToManagedTransition or vice versa)


MSDN warns:


Do not confuse the concept of passing by reference with the concept of reference types. The two concepts are not the same. A method parameter can be modified by ref regardless of whether it is a value type or a reference type. There is no boxing of a value type when it is passed by reference.

不要将按引用传递的概念与引用类型的概念混淆。这两个概念并不相同。无论是值类型还是引用类型,都可以通过 ref 修改方法参数。通过引用传递值类型时没有装箱。

From the official MSDN Docs:

来自官方 MSDN 文档:

The out keyword causes arguments to be passed by reference. This is similar to the ref keyword, except that ref requires that the variable be initialized before being passed

out 关键字导致参数通过引用传递。这类似于 ref 关键字,不同之处在于 ref 要求变量在传递之前进行初始化

The ref keyword causes an argument to be passed by reference, not by value. The effect of passing by reference is that any change to the parameter in the method is reflected in the underlying argument variable in the calling method. The value of a reference parameter is always the same as the value of the underlying argument variable.

ref 关键字导致参数通过引用传递,而不是通过值传递。通过引用传递的效果是,对方法中参数的任何更改都会反映在调用方法中的底层参数变量中。引用参数的值始终与基础参数变量的值相同。

We can verify that the out and ref are indeed the same when the argument gets assigned:

当参数被赋值时,我们可以验证 out 和 ref 确实相同:

CIL Example:

CIL 示例

Consider the following example


static class outRefTest{
    public static int myfunc(int x){x=0; return x; }
    public static void myfuncOut(out int x){x=0;}
    public static void myfuncRef(ref int x){x=0;}
    public static void myfuncRefEmpty(ref int x){}
    // Define other methods and classes here

in CIL, the instructions of myfuncOutand myfuncRefare identical as expected.


IL_0000:  nop         
IL_0001:  ldc.i4.0    
IL_0002:  starg.s     00 
IL_0004:  ldarg.0     
IL_0005:  stloc.0     
IL_0006:  br.s        IL_0008
IL_0008:  ldloc.0     
IL_0009:  ret         

IL_0000:  nop         
IL_0001:  ldarg.0     
IL_0002:  ldc.i4.0    
IL_0003:  stind.i4    
IL_0004:  ret         

IL_0000:  nop         
IL_0001:  ldarg.0     
IL_0002:  ldc.i4.0    
IL_0003:  stind.i4    
IL_0004:  ret         

IL_0000:  nop         
IL_0001:  ret         

nop: no operation, ldloc: load local, stloc: stack local, ldarg: load argument, bs.s: branch to target....


(See: List of CIL instructions)

(参见:CIL 指令列表

回答by zneak

You need to use refif you plan to read and write to the parameter. You need to use outif you only plan to write. In effect, outis for when you'd need more than one return value, or when you don't want to use the normal return mechanism for output (but this should be rare).


There are language mechanics that assist these use cases. Refparameters must have been initialized before they are passed to a method (putting emphasis on the fact that they are read-write), and outparameters cannot be read before they are assigned a value, and are guaranteed to have been written to at the end of the method (putting emphasis on the fact that they are write only). Contravening to these principles results in a compile-time error.


int x;
Foo(ref x); // error: x is uninitialized

void Bar(out int x) {}  // error: x was not written to

For instance, int.TryParsereturns a booland accepts an out intparameter:

例如,int.TryParse返回 abool并接受一个out int参数:

int value;
if (int.TryParse(numericString, out value))
    /* numericString was parsed into value, now do stuff */
    /* numericString couldn't be parsed */

This is a clear example of a situation where you need to output two values: the numeric result and whether the conversion was successful or not. The authors of the CLR decided to opt for outhere since they don't care about what the intcould have been before.

这是您需要输出两个值的情况的一个明显示例:数字结果和转换是否成功。CLR 的作者决定选择out这里,因为他们不关心int以前可能是什么。

For ref, you can look at Interlocked.Increment:


int x = 4;
Interlocked.Increment(ref x);

Interlocked.Incrementatomically increments the value of x. Since you need to read xto increment it, this is a situation where refis more appropriate. You totally care about what xwas before it was passed to Increment.

Interlocked.Increment原子地增加 的值x。由于您需要阅读x以增加它,因此这ref是更合适的情况。您完全关心x传递给Increment.

In the next version of C#, it will even be possible to declare variable in outparameters, adding even more emphasis on their output-only nature:

在 C# 的下一个版本中,甚至可以在out参数中声明变量,更加强调它们仅输出的性质:

if (int.TryParse(numericString, out int value))
    // 'value' exists and was declared in the `if` statement
    // conversion didn't work, 'value' doesn't exist here

回答by vml19

An argument passed as ref must be initialized before passing to the method whereas out parameter needs not to be initialized before passing to a method.

作为 ref 传递的参数必须在传递给方法之前初始化,而 out 参数在传递给方法之前不需要初始化。

回答by Shivprasad Ktheitroadala

Below are some notes which i pulled from this codeproject article on C# Out Vs Ref

下面是我从这篇关于C# Out Vs Ref 的codeproject 文章中提取的一些笔记

  1. It should be used only when we are expecting multiple outputs from a function or a method. A thought on structures can be also a good option for the same.
  2. REF and OUT are keywords which dictate how data is passed from caller to callee and vice versa.
  3. In REF data passes two way. From caller to callee and vice-versa.
  4. In Out data passes only one way from callee to caller. In this case if Caller tried to send data to the callee it will be overlooked / rejected.
  1. 仅当我们期望函数或方法有多个输出时才应使用它。对结构的思考也是一个不错的选择。
  2. REF 和 OUT 是关键字,它们指示数据如何从调用者传递到被调用者,反之亦然。
  3. 在 REF 数据通过两种方式。从调用者到被调用者,反之亦然。
  4. In Out 数据仅通过一种方式从被调用者传递到调用者。在这种情况下,如果调用者试图向被调用者发送数据,它将被忽略/拒绝。

If you are a visual person then please see this yourtube video which demonstrates the difference practically https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYdcY5zulXA

如果你是一个视觉人士,那么请看这个 yourtube 视频,它实际上演示了不同之处https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYdcY5zulXA

Below image shows the differences more visually


C# Out Vs Ref

C# 输出与参考

回答by Ali Jamal

You can use the outcontextual keyword in two contexts (each is a link to detailed information), as a parameter modifier or in generic type parameter declarations in interfaces and delegates. This topic discusses the parameter modifier, but you can see this other topic for information on the generic type parameter declarations.

您可以out在两个上下文中使用contextual 关键字(每个都是指向详细信息的链接),作为参数修饰符或在接口和委托中的泛型类型参数声明中使用。本主题讨论参数修饰符,但您可以查看其他主题以了解有关泛型类型参数声明的信息。

The outkeyword causes arguments to be passed by reference. This is like the refkeyword, except that refrequires that the variable be initialized before it is passed. To use an outparameter, both the method definition and the calling method must explicitly use the outkeyword. For example: C#


class OutExample
    static void Method(out int i)
        i = 44;
    static void Main()
        int value;
        Method(out value);
        // value is now 44

Although variables passed as outarguments do not have to be initialized before being passed, the called method is required to assign a value before the method returns.


Although the refand outkeywords cause different run-time behavior, they are not considered part of the method signature at compile time. Therefore, methods cannot be overloaded if the only difference is that one method takes a refargument and the other takes an outargument. The following code, for example, will not compile: C#


class CS0663_Example
    // Compiler error CS0663: "Cannot define overloaded 
    // methods that differ only on ref and out".
    public void SampleMethod(out int i) { }
    public void SampleMethod(ref int i) { }

Overloading can be done, however, if one method takes a refor outargument and the other uses neither, like this: C#


class OutOverloadExample
    public void SampleMethod(int i) { }
    public void SampleMethod(out int i) { i = 5; }

Properties are not variables and therefore cannot be passed as outparameters.


For information about passing arrays, see Passing Arrays Using refand out(C# Programming Guide).

有关传递数组的信息,请参阅使用ref和传递数组out(C# 编程指南)。

You can't use the refand outkeywords for the following kinds of methods:


Async methods, which you define by using the async modifier.

Iterator methods, which include a yield return or yield break statement.



Declaring an outmethod is useful when you want a method to return multiple values. The following example uses outto return three variables with a single method call. Note that the third argument is assigned to null. This enables methods to return values optionally. C#

out当您希望一个方法返回多个值时,声明一个方法很有用。以下示例使用out单个方法调用返回三个变量。请注意,第三个参数被赋值为 null。这使方法可以有选择地返回值。C#

class OutReturnExample
    static void Method(out int i, out string s1, out string s2)
        i = 44;
        s1 = "I've been returned";
        s2 = null;
    static void Main()
        int value;
        string str1, str2;
        Method(out value, out str1, out str2);
        // value is now 44
        // str1 is now "I've been returned"
        // str2 is (still) null;