CSS Sass 和 Compass 中的背景图像路径

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时间:2020-08-30 02:45:31  来源:igfitidea点击:

Background images path in Sass and Compass


提问by Jitendra Vyas

This is mentioned in config.rb file

这在 config.rb 文件中提到

images_dir = "images"

I use 2 folder for images in my projects inside images folder

我在图像文件夹内的项目中使用 2 个文件夹作为图像


If any images is inside images/background/folder then how i should add the path for image in css backgroundand Sass variables?

如果images/background/文件夹内有任何图像,那么我应该如何在 cssbackground和 Sass 变量中添加图像的路径?

$header-img: "sass.gif"; 


background-image: url('sass.gif?1327592426');

And how to get rid of this auto generated ?1327592426from each background image?


回答by maxbeatty

You should use the image-urlURL helper. It "generates a path to an asset found relative to the project's images directory" which you defined in your config.rb. You can also set the third parameter $cache-busterto false to remove the generated ?1327592426

您应该使用image-urlURL 助手。它“生成相对于项目图像目录找到的资产的路径”,您在config.rb. 您还可以将第三个参数设置$cache-buster为 false 以删除生成的?1327592426



// image-url arguments:
// $path: path relative to images directory in config.rb
// $path-only: if true, will cause only the path to be returned instead of a `url()` function
// $cache-buster: When set to `false` no cache buster will be used (i.e. `?313420982`)
$header-img: image-url('background/sass.gif', false, false)
background-image: $header-img

Generated CSS:

生成的 CSS:

background-image: url('images/background/sass.gif')