CSS 在 SASS 中是否可以从另一个文件中的类继承?

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时间:2020-08-30 04:40:28  来源:igfitidea点击:

Is it possible in SASS to inherit from a class in another file?


提问by Dan Tao

The question pretty much says it all.


For instance, if I were using, say, Twitter Bootstrap, could I define classes in my own SASS stylesheet that inherit from Bootstrap's CSS classes? Or does inheritance in SASS only work within the scope of a single file?

例如,如果我使用Twitter Bootstrap,我可以在我自己的 SASS 样式表中定义从 Bootstrap 的 CSS 类继承的类吗?还是 SASS 中的继承仅在单个文件的范围内有效?

回答by agustibr

YES!its possible.


If you want all <button>elements to inherit the .btnclass from Twitter Bootstrap's Default buttons

如果您希望所有<button>元素都.btnTwitter Bootstrap 的默认按钮继承该类

In your styles.scssfile you would have to first import _bootstrap.scss:


@import "_bootstrap.scss";

Then below the import:


button { @extend .btn; }

回答by Mark Ernst

**I might be mistaken, but if I get what you're trying to do, can't you just use the @extend .classname;command inside the element that you'd want to extend? Naturally, you should only modify your own code to preserve updatability.

**我可能弄错了,但如果我明白你想要做什么,你不能只@extend .classname;在你想要扩展的元素内使用命令吗?当然,您应该只修改自己的代码以保持可更新性。

回答by ScottS

To my knowledge, you have to use @importof the file containing the classes you want to use into your SASS file in order to utilize them in that file. However, I am not a SASS/SCSS expert, so someone may know of another way to remotely use them that I am not aware of.

据我所知,您必须使用@import包含要在 SASS 文件中使用的类的文件,以便在该文件中使用它们。但是,我不是 SASS/SCSS 专家,所以有人可能知道另一种我不知道的远程使用它们的方法。