时间:2020-01-09 10:41:09 来源:igfitidea点击:
如何在UNIX之类的操作系统下使用KSH Shell脚本逐行读取文件?
KSH read while循环语法
#!/bin/ksh file="/path/to/file.txt" # while loop while IFS= read -r line do # display line or do somthing on $line echo "$line" done <"$file"
在此示例中,您正在读取用|分隔的文件。领域。 domains.txt示例:
theitroad.local| theitroad.com| theitroad.com| cricketnow.in| Hymangite.com|
#!/bin/ksh # set the Internal Field Separator to a pipe symbol IFS='|' # file name file=/tmp/domains.txt # use while loop to read domain and ip while read domain ip do print "$domain has address $ip" done <"$file"
#!/bin/ksh # file name file=/tmp/domains.txt # use while loop to read domain and ip # set the Internal Field Separator to a pipe symbol while IFS=\| read domain ip do print "$domain has address $ip" done <"$file"