CSS Bootstrap 表条纹:如何更改条纹背景颜色?

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时间:2020-08-30 01:26:59  来源:igfitidea点击:

Bootstrap table striped: How do I change the stripe background colour?


提问by drake035

With Bootstrap class table-striped, every other row in my table has a background colour equal to #F9F9F9. How can I change this colour?

使用 Bootstrap 类table-striped,我表中每隔一行的背景颜色等于#F9F9F9. 我怎样才能改变这种颜色?

采纳答案by Florin

.table-striped > tbody > tr:nth-child(2n+1) > td, .table-striped > tbody > tr:nth-child(2n+1) > th {
   background-color: red;

change this line in bootstrap.css or you could use (odd) or (even) instead of (2n+1)

在 bootstrap.css 中更改这一行,或者您可以使用 (odd) 或 (even) 而不是 (2n+1)

回答by kyriakos

Add the following CSS style after loading Bootstrap:

加载 Bootstrap 后添加以下 CSS 样式:

.table-striped>tbody>tr:nth-child(odd)>th {
   background-color: red; // Choose your own color here

回答by Lucas S.

If you are using Bootstrap 3, you can use Florin's method, or use a custom CSS file.

如果您使用的是 Bootstrap 3,您可以使用 Florin 的方法,或者使用自定义 CSS 文件。

If you use Bootstrap less source instead of processed css files, you can directly change it in bootstrap/less/variables.less.

如果你使用 Bootstrap less source 而不是处理过的 css 文件,你可以直接在bootstrap/less/variables.less.

Find something like:


//** Background color used for `.table-striped`.
@table-bg-accent:               #f9f9f9;

回答by Eisa Adil

You have two options, either you override the styles with a custom stylesheet, or you edit the main bootstrap css file. I prefer the former.

您有两个选择,要么使用自定义样式表覆盖样式,要么编辑主引导 css 文件。我更喜欢前者。

Your custom styles should be linked after bootstrap.


<link rel="stylesheet" src="bootstrap.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" src="custom.css">

In custom.css



回答by sammani anuththara

.table-striped>tbody>tr:nth-child(odd)>th {
  background-color: #e08283;
  color: white;
.table-striped>tbody>tr:nth-child(even)>th {
  background-color: #ECEFF1;
  color: white;

Use 'even' for change colour of even rows and use 'odd' for change colour of odd rows.


回答by David Morrow

Delete table-striped Its overriding your attempts to change row color.

删除 table-striped 它会覆盖您更改行颜色的尝试。

Then do this In css

然后在 css 中执行此操作

   tr:nth-child(odd) {
    background-color: lightskyblue;

   tr:nth-child(even) {
    background-color: lightpink;

    th {
       background-color: lightseagreen;

回答by John Lehmann

I found this checkerboard pattern (as a subset of the zebra stripe) to be a pleasant way to display a two-column table. This is written using LESS CSS, and keys all colors off the base color.

我发现这种棋盘格图案(作为斑马条纹的一个子集)是显示两列表格的一种令人愉快的方式。这是使用 LESS CSS 编写的,并将所有颜色从基色中剔除。

@base-color: #0000ff;
@row-color: lighten(@base-color, 40%);    
@other-row: darken(@row-color, 10%);

tbody {
    td:nth-child(odd) { width: 45%; }
    tr:nth-child(odd) > td:nth-child(odd) {
        background: darken(@row-color, 0%); }
    tr:nth-child(odd) > td:nth-child(even) {
        background: darken(@row-color, 7%); }
    tr:nth-child(even) > td:nth-child(odd) {
        background: darken(@other-row, 0%); }
    tr:nth-child(even) > td:nth-child(even) {
        background: darken(@other-row, 7%); }

Note I've dropped the .table-striped, but doesn't seem to matter.


Looks like: enter image description here

好像: 在此处输入图片说明

回答by John Lehmann

Don't customize your bootstrap CSS by directly editing bootstrap CSS file.Instead, I suggest to copy paste bootstrap CSS and save them in a different CSS folder and there you can customize or edit stylings suitable to your needs.

不要通过直接编辑引导 CSS 文件来自定义引导 CSS。相反,我建议复制粘贴引导 CSS 并将它们保存在不同的 CSS 文件夹中,您可以在那里自定义或编辑适合您需要的样式。

回答by PhPGuy

If you want to actually reverse the colors, you should add a rule that makes the "odd" rows white as well as making the "even" rows whatever color you want.


回答by Anna Costalonga

With Bootstrap 4, the responsible css configuration in bootstrap.cssfor .table-stripedis:

使用 Bootstrap 4,bootstrap.cssfor 中负责的 css 配置.table-striped是:

.table-striped tbody tr:nth-of-type(odd) {
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);

For a very simple solution, I just copied it into my custom.cssfile, and changed the values of background-color, so that now I have a fancier light blue shade:

对于一个非常简单的解决方案,我只是将它复制到我的custom.css文件中,并更改了 的值background-color,以便现在我有一个更漂亮的浅蓝色阴影:

.table-striped tbody tr:nth-of-type(odd) {
  background-color:  rgba(72, 113, 248, 0.068);