如何在Linux/Unix/OS X上更新gcutil/gcloud组件

时间:2020-01-09 10:40:47  来源:igfitidea点击:

如何在基于Linux或OS X Unix的系统上更新Google Cloud SDK组件?

最简单推荐的方法是使用gcloud命令更新各种Google Cloud SDK库,命令和其他组件。
There are available updates for some Cloud SDK components
某些Cloud SDK组件有可用更新。


gcloud components update


The following components will be removed:
    | Big Query Command Line Tool                  |     2.0.17 | 1.3 MB |
    | Cloud SDK Core Libraries                     | 2013.12.06 | < 1 MB |
    | Cloud SDK Core Libraries (Platform Specific) | 2013.11.19 | < 1 MB |
    | Cloud Storage Command Line Tool              |       3.38 | 1.7 MB |
    | Compute Engine Command Line Tool             |     1.12.0 | < 1 MB |
The following components will be installed:
    | Big Query Command Line Tool                          |     2.0.17 | < 1 MB |
    | Big Query Command Line Tool (Platform Specific)      |     2.0.17 | < 1 MB |
    | Cloud SDK Core Libraries                             | 2014.01.27 | < 1 MB |
    | Cloud SDK Core Libraries (Platform Specific)         | 2014.01.27 | < 1 MB |
    | Cloud SQL Admin Command Line Interface               | 2014.01.28 | < 1 MB |
    | Cloud Storage Command Line Tool                      |       3.42 | 1.8 MB |
    | Cloud Storage Command Line Tool (Platform Specific)  |       3.42 | < 1 MB |
    | Compute Engine Command Line Tool                     |     1.13.0 | < 1 MB |
    | Compute Engine Command Line Tool (Platform Specific) |     1.13.0 | < 1 MB |
Do you want to continue (Y/n)?  y
Creating update staging area...
Uninstalling: Big Query Command Line Tool ... Done
Uninstalling: Cloud SDK Core Libraries ... Done
Uninstalling: Cloud SDK Core Libraries (Platform Specific) ... Done
Uninstalling: Cloud Storage Command Line Tool ... Done
Uninstalling: Compute Engine Command Line Tool ... Done
Installing: Big Query Command Line Tool ... Done
Installing: Big Query Command Line Tool (Platform Specific) ... Done
Installing: Cloud SDK Core Libraries ... Done
Installing: Cloud SDK Core Libraries (Platform Specific) ... Done
Installing: Cloud SQL Admin Command Line Interface ... Done
Installing: Cloud Storage Command Line Tool ... Done
Installing: Cloud Storage Command Line Tool (Platform Specific) ... Done
Installing: Compute Engine Command Line Tool ... Done
Installing: Compute Engine Command Line Tool (Platform Specific) ... Done
Creating backup and activating new installation...


$ gcloud auth login

使用以下命令SSH到Google Cloud Host:

$ gcutil ssh your-compute-name-here
$ gcutil ssh db2