CSS 如何更改wordpress中只有一页的css?

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时间:2020-08-30 02:21:08  来源:igfitidea点击:

How do I change the css of only one page in wordpress?


提问by Adamdadam

I need to change the css of the home page only, I have googled and a lot of the suggestions were to add the page id as part of the css selector. But when I try it, it doesn't seem to work? I want to change the class ".contentclass" and the pages id is "599" so here's what I've tried:

我只需要更改主页的 css,我用谷歌搜索,很多建议是将页面 id 添加为 css 选择器的一部分。但是当我尝试它时,它似乎不起作用?我想更改类“.contentclass”并且页面 ID 为“599”,所以这是我尝试过的:

.post-id-599 .contentclass {}
.page-id-599 .contentclass {}
.body-id-599 .contentclass {}

none of them seems to be working...


Link to the webpage I'm working on: Link


采纳答案by Chankey Pathak

If your theme uses body_class()in the body tag, you will have a specific css class for the front page (.home), which you could use in the stylesheet;

如果您的主题在 body 标签中使用body_class(),您将有一个用于首页 ( .home)的特定 css 类,您可以在样式表中使用它;

Example (might be different for your theme):


.home #content .entry { color: #123edf; }

.home #content .entry { color: #123edf; }

to overwerite the genral stylesheet style.css, you could use a conditional statement in header.php to link a specific stylesheet for the front page:

要覆盖通用样式表 style.css,您可以使用 header.php 中的条件语句来链接首页的特定样式表:



<?php if( is_home() ) { ?>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); ?>/front-style.css" />
<?php } ?>

the code needs to be after the link to the general stylesheet.


(instead of is_home()you might need to use is_front_page())


Check: Conditional_Tagsand get_stylesheet_directory_uri


-- alternative, to load a different stylesheet instead of the general stylesheet, use the conditional statement with an else: (this code would replace the link of the general stylesheet)

-- 替代,要加载不同的样式表而不是通用样式表,请使用带有else:的条件语句(此代码将替换通用样式表的链接)



<?php if( is_home() ) { ?>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); ?>/front-style.css" />
<?php } else { ?>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="<?php bloginfo( 'stylesheet_url' ); ?>" />
<?php } ?>

回答by StandardSpace

Try using the right click "inspect element" or equivalent for your browser.


When I look at your site I see something like this


enter image description here


<body class="page page-id-624 woocommerce-cart woocommerce-page boxed varukorg" style="">

So for example for this page: http://witdesign.se/wp/varukorgyou would use

因此,例如对于此页面: 您将使用http://witdesign.se/wp/varukorg

body.post-id-624 .contentclass {}

Any styles within the braces will be applicable to the pages with a body class of post-id-668

大括号内的任何样式都适用于具有 post-id-668 主体类的页面

To be sure, you will need to check what renders in your browser using an inspector.
