如何使用 CSS 来定位固定的可变高度标题和可滚动的内容框?

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时间:2020-08-30 00:49:00  来源:igfitidea点击:

How do I use CSS to position a fixed variable height header and a scrollable content box?


提问by David Roe

I'm trying to make a web page with a fixed header and a scrollable content area. This is trivial when the header has a known height but I'm struggling to find a solution for when the header is fluid.


The layout I want is:



where "head" is whatever height its content needs it to be and "content" has no minimum height but will reach a maximum height of the bottom of the viewport before becoming scrollable.


Is this possible these days in pure CSS? I'm targeting IE8+.

这些天在纯 CSS 中这可能吗?我的目标是 IE8+。

To clarify what I want, here is what I would do if I knew the height of the header:


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <style type="text/css">

body {
    margin: 0;

#head {
    background: yellow;
    height: 20px; /* I can't rely on knowing this. */

#content {
    background: red;
    position: absolute;
    top: 20px; /* here also */
    bottom: 0;
    width: 100%;
    overflow: auto;

        <div id="head">some variable height content</div>
        <div id="content">
            scrollable content<br/>
            scrollable content<br/>
            scrollable content<br/>
            scrollable content<br/>
            scrollable content<br/>
            scrollable content<br/>
            scrollable content<br/>
            scrollable content<br/>
            scrollable content<br/>
            scrollable content<br/>
            scrollable content<br/>
            scrollable content<br/>
            scrollable content<br/>
            scrollable content<br/>
            scrollable content<br/>

采纳答案by Shauna

Assuming by "fixed" you mean position:fixed, I don't think it's possible in pure CSS, as position:fixedtakes the element out of the document flow.

假设您的意思是“固定” position:fixed,我认为在纯 CSS 中是不可能的,因为position:fixed将元素从文档流中取出。

However, it should just take a line or two of JavaScript to get what you want. Something like this (untested, only for example purposes, will need syntax tweaked to actually work):

然而,它应该只需要一两行 JavaScript 就可以得到你想要的东西。像这样的东西(未经测试,仅用于示例目的,需要调整语法才能实际工作):

var height = document.getElementById("head").offsetHeight;
document.getElementById("content").style.marginTop = height + 'px';

Something like that should get you the rendered height of the fixed <div>and set the content <div>'s margin accordingly. You'll also need to explicitly set a background color on the fixed <div>, otherwise the content will appear to bleed into the fixed one when scrolling.

像这样的东西应该让你得到固定的渲染高度<div>并相应地设置内容<div>的边距。您还需要在 fixed 上显式设置背景颜色<div>,否则滚动时内容会渗入到 fixed 中。

回答by Eric

Here'sa solution, but it's a cheat. Basically, you have a duplicate header element, to push down the content, under the fixed position one:


<div class="outer">
    <div class="header">Header content goes here</div>
    <div class="header-push">Header content goes here</div>
    <div class="content">

回答by geca

I did a combination of both the accepted and Eric's answer. An empty div is used to push the content bellow "head". The width of this div is set by jQuery when window.onresize is fired:

我结合了公认的答案和埃里克的答案。一个空的 div 用于将内容推送到“头部”下方。当 window.onresize 被触发时,这个 div 的宽度由 jQuery 设置:

function resizeHeader() {

See this jsFiddlefor more info.

有关更多信息,请参阅此 jsFiddle

回答by Keith

This javascript will take the variable height of a fixed header and set the top margin of the content to flow underneath. Just call page load.

此 javascript 将采用固定标题的可变高度,并将内容的上边距设置为在下方流动。只需调用页面加载。

<script type="text/javascript">
    function AdjustHeight() {
        var height = document.getElementById("fixedheader").offsetHeight;
        document.getElementById("content").style.marginTop = height + 'px';

回答by Ravendarksky

Here is a full code example of Shauna's solution above for the lazy/confused/people who can't get this working.



#FreezePaneHeader {
    position: fixed; top:0; left: 0; width: 100%;background-color: gray;

#FreezePaneBody {
    margin-top: 30px;

 <script type="text/javascript">        
        function resizeFreezePane()
            var height = document.getElementById("FreezePaneHeader").offsetHeight;
            document.getElementById("FreezePaneBody").style.marginTop = height + 'px';

        //Resizes content to allow static header with dynamic height on postbacks
        function pageLoad() {

        var addEvent = function (elem, type, eventHandle) {
            if (elem == null || typeof (elem) == 'undefined') return;
            if (elem.addEventListener) {
                elem.addEventListener(type, eventHandle, false);
            } else if (elem.attachEvent) {
                elem.attachEvent("on" + type, eventHandle);
            } else {
                elem["on" + type] = eventHandle;

        //also when page is resized.
        addEvent(window, "resize", resizeFreezePane);

    function GenerateLorem(ele){
        var x = document.getElementById(ele);
        x.innerHTML = x.innerHTML + "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur pretium euismod leoquis convallis. In ornare suscipit massa eu commodo. Pellentesque vel nibh volutpat, commodo libero et, 

porta tellus. Duis eu fringilla arcu. Etiam imperdiet lectus diam, dignissim viverra dui hendrerit id. Fusce condimentum bibendum tincidunt. Aenean fringilla felis elit, et dapibus ante tempus at. Phasellus quis dolor odio.</p>";

<div id="FreezePaneHeader">Frozen Page Header</div>
<div id="FreezePaneBody">
<button id="ButtonAddText" onclick="GenerateLorem('FreezePaneHeader'); return false;">Add more header text</button>
<button id="ButtonAddText" onclick="GenerateLorem('FreezePaneBody'); return false;">Add more body text</button>
<p id="PageContents"></p>
