CSS select2 占位符显示空选项

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时间:2020-08-30 00:46:35  来源:igfitidea点击:

select2 placeholder showing empty option


提问by Mariana Hernandez

too add a placeholder in select2 i have to add an empty option tag in the code like this

也在 select2 中添加一个占位符我必须在这样的代码中添加一个空的选项标签

<select id="e2" name="rol_id" >
                       {foreach from=$data.roles item=rol}
                       <option value={$rol.rol_id}>{$rol.rol_nombre}</option>

but when i do that i get this option empty that is selectable enter image description here

但是当我这样做时,我将这个选项设为空,这是可选的 在此处输入图片说明

how can i not show that option but still the placeholder?




回答by Max

You have a syntax error on 2nd line.



回答by devwebapp

It's a late answer, but it can help someone.


I have modal with a select2 input.

我有一个带有 select2 输入的模态。

We need to add <option></option>for the placeholder to be shown.

我们需要添加 <option></option>要显示的占位符。



<select  id="Name">
  <option value="John">John</option>
  <option value="Brian">Brian</option> 
  <option value="Carl">Carl</option>

If I want the placeholder to appear.




$('#Name').select2({placeholder: 'Select a Name'});

$('#Name').select2('val', '');

If I want to see a value on the select2 input:

如果我想在 select2 输入上看到一个值:

$('#Name').select2('val', 'John');

回答by Jervie Vitriolo

The empty option is actually for placeholder, I solved it using the code below


var s1 = $('#select2id').select2({
                    multiple: true,
                    placeholder: "Select values"
                s1.val([' ']).trigger("change"); 

the s1.val([' ']).trigger("change");did the trick

s1.val([' ']).trigger("change");做的伎俩

回答by igor.vaynberg

leave the empty option and specify the placeholder text either via the data-placeholder attribute on the tag or via a placeholder option when initializing select2.

保留空选项并在初始化 select2 时通过标记上的 data-placeholder 属性或通过占位符选项指定占位符文本。

回答by honor

You could add a line to remove the first "empty" option after loading the options for roles. You could do it as below using jquery.

您可以在加载角色选项后添加一行以删除第一个“空”选项。您可以使用 jquery 执行以下操作。

$("#selectBox option[value='']").remove();

回答by bitifet

I've just faced the same problem and simple <option></option>didn't work to me.


It seems empty option is inserted but it doesn't allocate any height so it's impossible to reach it.


I solved by just adding a non-breaking-space(&nbsp;) character (simple space didn't work too):

我通过添加一个不间断空格( &nbsp;) 字符来解决(简单的空格也不起作用):


回答by Todor Todorov

Just try $('select').select2({placeholder: 'Please select...'});. Combined with an empty <option></option>should do the job ;).

试试吧$('select').select2({placeholder: 'Please select...'});。与空相结合<option></option>应该可以完成工作;)。