Html 如何使用 Node.js 唯一标识套接字

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时间:2020-08-29 09:42:54  来源:igfitidea点击:

How to uniquely identify a socket with Node.js


提问by ShrekOverflow

TLDR; How to identify sockets in event based programming model.


I am just starting up with node.js , in the past i have done most of my coding part in C++ and PHP sockets() so node.js is something extremely new to me.

我刚开始使用 node.js ,过去我用 C++ 和 PHP sockets() 完成了大部分编码部分,所以 node.js 对我来说是非常新的东西。

In c++ to identify a socket we could have done something like writing a main socket say server to listen for new connections and changes, and then handling those connections accordingly.

在 C++ 中,我们可以做一些事情来识别套接字,比如编写一个主套接字说服务器来监听新的连接和更改,然后相应地处理这些连接。

回答by Timothy Meade

If you are looking for actual sockets and not, they do exist.


But as stated, Node.js and Javascript use an event-based programming model, so you create a (TCP) socket, listen on an IP:port (similar to bind), then accept connection events which pass a Javascript object representing the connection.

但如前所述,Node.js 和 Javascript 使用基于事件的编程模型,因此您创建一个 (TCP) 套接字,侦听 IP:port(类似于绑定),然后接受传递表示连接的 Javascript 对象的连接事件.

From this you can get the FD or another identifier, but this object is also a long-lived object that you can store an identifier on if you wish (this is what does).

从这里你可以得到 FD 或其他标识符,但这个对象也是一个长期存在的对象,如果你愿意,你可以在上面存储一个标识符(这就是 所做的)。

var server = net.createServer();

server.on('connection', function(conn) { = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000);
  conn.on('data', function(data) {
    conn.write('ID: ';

回答by ecdeveloper

Timothy's approach is good, the only thing to mention - Math.random() may cause id's duplication. So the chance it will generate the same random number is really tiny, but it could happen. So I'd recommend you to use dylang's module - shortid:

Timothy 的方法很好,唯一值得一提的是 - Math.random() 可能会导致 id 的重复。所以它产生相同随机数的机会真的很小,但它可能会发生。所以我建议你使用 dylang 的模块 - shortid

var shortid = require('shortid');
var server = net.createServer();

server.on('connection', function(conn) { = shortid.generate();
  conn.on('data', function(data) {
    conn.write('ID: ';

So in that case you can be sure that no id duplications will occur.

因此,在这种情况下,您可以确保不会发生 id 重复。

回答by low_rents

if you found this question by looking for socket.iounique ids that you can use to differentiate between sockets on the client-side (just like i did), then here is a very simple answer:

如果您通过查找socket.io可用于区分客户端套接字的唯一 ID(就像我所做的那样)发现了这个问题,那么这里有一个非常简单的答案:

var id = 0; //initial id value
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {

    var my_id = id; //my_id = value for this exact socket connection
    id++; //increment global id for further connnections

    socket.broadcast.emit("user_connected", "user with id " + my_id + "connected");

on every new connection the idis incremented on the serverside. this guarantees a unique id.
I use this method for finding out where a broadcast came from on the clientside and saving data from concurrent sockets.

在每个新连接id上,服务器端都会增加。这保证了唯一的 id。

for example:




var my_coords = {x : 2, y : -5};
socket.broadcast.emit("user_position", {id: my_id, coord: my_coords});  



user = {};
socketio.on("user_position", function(data) {
    if(typeof user[] === "undefined")
        user[] = {};

    user[]["x"] = data.coord.x;
    user[]["y"] = data.coord.y;

回答by jumper rbk

How to identify a client based on its socket id. Useful for private messaging and other stuff.

如何根据套接字 ID 识别客户端。对私人消息和其他东西很有用。

Using v1.4.5

使用 v1.4.5

client side:


var socketclientid = "john"; //should be the unique login id
var iosocket = io.connect("http://localhost:5000", {query: "name=john"});

var socketmsg = JSON.stringify({
  type: "private messaging",
  to: "doe",
  message: "whats up!"

server side:


io.on('connection', function(socket){
  var sessionid =;
  var name = socket.handshake.query['name'];
  //store both data in json object and put in array or something

socket.on('message', function(msg){
  var thesessionid =;      
  var name = ???? //do lookup in the user array using the sessionid
  console.log("Message receive from: " + name);

  var msgobject = JSON.parse(msg);
  var msgtype = msgobject.type;
  var msgto =;
  var themessage = msgobject.message;

  //do something with the msg
  //john want to send private msg to doe
  var doesocketid = ???? //use socket id lookup for msgto in the array
                         //doe must be online
  //send to doe only
  if (msgtype == "private messaging")'message', 'themessage');


回答by pkyeck

mmmm, i don't really get what you're looking for but socket-programming with node.js (and is really straight forward. take a look at some examples on the homepage:

嗯,我真的不明白你在找什么,但是使用 node.js(和进行套接字编程真的很简单。看看 主页上的一些例子:

// note, io.listen() will create a http server for you
var io = require('').listen(80);

io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
  io.sockets.emit('this', { will: 'be received by everyone connected'});

  socket.on('private message', function (from, msg) {
    console.log('I received a private message by ', from, ' saying ', msg);

  socket.on('disconnect', function () {
    sockets.emit('user disconnected');

on connecting to the server, every socket get an unique id with which you can identify it later on.

在连接到服务器时,每个套接字都会获得一个唯一的 ID,您可以稍后使用它来识别它。

hope this helps!? cheers


回答by Alfred

In c++ to identify a socket we could have done something like writing a main socket say server to listen for new connections and then handling those connections accordingly.but so far i havent found anything like that in node.js . (the berkeley socket model) Does it even exist in node.js .. if not i am going back to my C++ :$

在 C++ 中,我们可以做一些事情来识别一个套接字,比如编写一个主套接字说 server 来侦听新连接,然后相应地处理这些连接。但到目前为止,我还没有在 node.js 中找到类似的东西。(伯克利套接字模型)它是否存在于 node.js .. 如果不是,我将回到我的 C++ :$

You should go back, because JavaScript is a prototype-based, object-oriented scripting language that is dynamic, weakly typed and has first-class functions.They are both completely different languages and you will have to have a different mindset to write clean JavaScript code.

你应该回去,因为JavaScript 是一种基于原型、面向对象的脚本语言,它是动态的、弱类型的并且具有一流的功能。它们都是完全不同的语言,你必须有不同的心态来编写干净的 JavaScript 代码。

Session ID

If you made use of the sessionId property of socket in v0.6, this is now simply .id.

// v0.6.x
var sid = socket.sessionId;

// v0.7.x
var sid =;

会话 ID

如果您在 v0.6 中使用了 socket 的 sessionId 属性,现在它只是.id。

// v0.6.x
var sid = socket.sessionId;

// v0.7.x
var sid =;