CSS 背景大小:封面不适用于 iOS

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时间:2020-08-30 02:33:45  来源:igfitidea点击:

background-size: cover not working on iOS


提问by Hoàn Nguy?n

This is my code:


-moz-background-size: cover;
-webkit-background-size: cover;
-o-background-size: cover;
background-position: center center; 

It's working on desktop, iPad and Android mobile:

它适用于台式机、iPad 和 Android 移动设备:



On Chrome and Safari on iPhone, the background is too big:

在 iPhone 上的 Chrome 和 Safari 上,背景太大:

too big


回答by Matt Fiocca

This happens, particularly on iOS, when you have background-attachment:fixed. On mobile, I usually put background-attachment:scrollinside of a @mediaquery.

这种情况会发生,尤其是在 iOS 上,当您有background-attachment:fixed. 在移动设备上,我通常会放入background-attachment:scroll一个@media查询中。

As @RyanKimber pointed out, fixed attached images use the whole <body>size. On mobile this can get really tall which blows your image out. Setting the attachment back to scrollallows your cover image to stretch within its own container.

正如@RyanKimber 指出的那样,固定的附加图像使用整个<body>尺寸。在移动设备上,这会变得非常高,这会使您的形象大打折扣。将附件设置回scroll允许您的封面图像在其自己的容器内拉伸。

回答by Viktor Tabori

Elaborating on Ryan's answer, without adding any new htmlnode or using @mediaqueries, using only one css.

详细阐述 Ryan 的答案,不添加任何新html节点或使用@media查询,仅使用一个 css

If you want to keep a coversized fixedbackground on all the devices including iOS, without adding a new node, then the trick is to do the fixed positioning on the element (body)itself and not the background, since a fixed background and cover sizing messes up iOS.

如果你想在包括 iOS 在内的所有设备上保持一个cover大小的fixed背景,而不添加一个新节点,那么诀窍是在元素(主体)本身而不是背景上进行固定定位,因为固定的背景和封面大小混乱上 iOS。

It works in production like a charm on iOS as well: https://www.doklist.com/

它在生产中也像 iOS 上的魅力一样工作:https: //www.doklist.com/

This code won't work, since iOS uses the hight of the documentand not the viewport:

此代码将不起作用,因为 iOS 使用的高度document而不是viewport

body {
      background: url(https://www.w3schools.com/css/trolltunga.jpg) no-repeat center center fixed;
      -webkit-background-size: cover;
      -moz-background-size: cover;
      -o-background-size: cover;
      background-size: cover;

Now this is the magic, the body:afteris fixed, and not the background:


      position:fixed; /* stretch a fixed position to the whole screen */
      height:100vh; /* fix for mobile browser address bar appearing disappearing */
      z-index:-1; /* needed to keep in the background */
      background: url(https://www.w3schools.com/css/trolltunga.jpg) center center;
      -webkit-background-size: cover;
      -moz-background-size: cover;
      -o-background-size: cover;
      background-size: cover;

I could have used the bodyitself, with "position:fixed;overflow-y:scroll", but I didn't want to mess with the positioning of the body and my overall layout.


So doing this on the body:afteris a very easy fix. I have tested the solution on Mac, and iOS with firefox, safari, chrome.

所以在body:after上这样做是一个非常简单的修复。我已经在 Mac 和 iOS 上使用 firefox、safari、chrome 测试了该解决方案。

I also created a github repo with 2 examples for this: https://github.com/thesved/fixed-cover-background

我还为此创建了一个包含 2 个示例的 github 存储库:https: //github.com/thesved/fixed-cover-background

回答by Ryan Kimber

This caused me a number of problems as well. The problem is that iOS is using the full height & width of the body instead of the viewport to decide the size.

这也给我带来了许多问题。问题是 iOS 使用主体的全高和全宽而不是视口来决定大小。

Our solution was to create a new <div class="backdrop"></div>.

我们的解决方案是创建一个新的<div class="backdrop"></div>.

We apply the background to this div and give it position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0.

我们将背景应用到这个 div 并赋予它 position: absolute; 顶部:0;底部:0;左:0;正确:0。

Since this div is now the size of the viewport, background-size: coverworks just fine.

由于这个 div 现在是视口的大小,所以background-size: cover工作得很好。

回答by myworldbox

Simple answer:


Change background-attectmentfrom fixedto scroll.


.yourClass {
background-attectment: scroll;

回答by FranCarstens

This post answers your questions: why does CSS background-size: cover not work in portrait mode on iOS?

这篇文章回答了您的问题:为什么 CSS background-size:cover 在 iOS 上的纵向模式下不起作用?

Not all browsers recognize the cover keyword for background-size, and as a result, simply ignore it.

并非所有浏览器都能识别 background-size 的 cover 关键字,因此,只需忽略它。

So we can overcome that limitation by setting the background-size to 100% width or height, depending on the orientation. We can target the current orientation (as well as the iOS device, using device-width). With these two points I think you can use CSS background-size:cover on iOS in portrait-mode

因此,我们可以通过将背景大小设置为 100% 宽度或高度来克服该限制,具体取决于方向。我们可以定位当前方向(以及 iOS 设备,使用 device-width)。有了这两点,我认为您可以在 iOS 上以纵向模式使用 CSS background-size:cover

See that post for more resources.


回答by Lind el Loren

Try this:


background: url( /gfx/background.jpg  ) no-repeat top center fixed; 
background-size: 100vmax 100vmax;

As mentioned before, "cover" will cover document height, not view height. Most of the units will not work as expected hence vmax.

如前所述,“cover”将覆盖文档高度,而​​不是视图高度。大多数单元将无法按预期工作,因此 vmax。

Not really cover, does the job with squared images :)
