时间:2019-08-20 17:58:20 来源:igfitidea点击:
例如,如果我想搜索关键字“test”,它将显示与关键字“test”相似的结果,如 testing、loadtesting、 test 。
例如, 在下面的例子中,你可以看到它用相似的词而不是确切的词来显示结果。
Hyman@theitroad:/tmp$ cat red this is a test file for doing testing by redtest team this is called redtesting bla bla bla bla 2 bla 3 bla 4 ok ok test the file Hyman@theitroad:/tmp$ Hyman@theitroad:/tmp$ Hyman@theitroad:/tmp$ grep test red this is a test file for doing testing by redtest team
使用 -w标志可以在查找精确匹配。
grep -w keyword fileName 或者 cat filename | grep -w keyword
例如,只搜索 test关键字
Hyman@theitroad:/tmp$ cat red this is a test file for doing testing by redtest team this is called redtesting bla bla bla bla 2 bla 3 bla 4 ok ok test the file Hyman@theitroad:/tmp$ Hyman@theitroad:/tmp$ grep -w test red this is a test ok ok test the file Hyman@theitroad:/tmp$