CSS 响应式站点上媒体查询的常见断点

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时间:2020-08-30 02:26:02  来源:igfitidea点击:

Common breakpoints for media queries on a responsive site


提问by Zach Lysobey

So I am working on my first responsive website which makes extensive use of media queries. I was wondering if there are some common page-widths I should optimize for.


I will probably have a maximum width (not going full fluid) I am thinking I'll have maybe 3-5 set widths with fun little CSS3 transitions between them (similar to how CSS Tricksworks).

我可能会有一个最大宽度(不会完全流动)我想我可能会有 3-5 个设置宽度,它们之间有有趣的小 CSS3 过渡(类似于CSS Tricks 的工作方式)。

Currently the numbers I am using are somewhat arbitrary:


@media all and (max-width: 599px){...}
@media all and (min-width: 600px) and (max-width:799px){...}
@media all and (min-width: 800px) and (max-width:1024px){...}
@media all and (min-width: 700px) and (max-width: 1024px){...}
@media all and (min-width: 1025px) and (max-width: 1399px){...}
@media all and (min-width: 1400px){...}

Also, I think I have read that some mobile devices don't behave as expected (with @media). Where does this come into play and how should I deal with these situations?


采纳答案by Michael Benjamin

When deciding on breakpoints for your media queries, consider these realities:


  • There are hundreds of different screen sizes across thousands of different devices.
  • The future will bring new screen sizes.
  • Apple, Samsung, Microsoft, LG, Nokia and any other device manufacturer can, at any time, change the screen size of their popular models.
  • 在数千种不同的设备上有数百种不同的屏幕尺寸。
  • 未来将带来新的屏幕尺寸。
  • Apple、Samsung、Microsoft、LG、Nokia 和任何其他设备制造商都可以随时更改其流行机型的屏幕尺寸。

With so many viewport possibilities, matching breakpoints to specific devices doesn't sound like an efficient strategy. Just keeping up with what's popular, what's new, and what's changed will be a never-ending task.


A better approach may be to set breakpoints based on content and layout.


With this approach your site uses its natural breakpoints to adapt to allviewport sizes, rather than artificial breakpoints targeting currently common screen sizes.


This method is so simple and easy it may be hard to believe:


  1. Run your website on a desktop or laptop.
  2. As you narrow the browser window, notice how the website responds.
  3. When you reach the point where your layout is no longer perfect, that's your first breakpoint.
  4. Adjust your site for that screen size (which may have no relation to any device).
  5. Keep narrowing the browser window.
  6. When you hit the next layout problem, that's your second breakpoint.
  7. ... and so on and so forth.
  1. 在台式机或笔记本电脑上运行您的网站。
  2. 当您缩小浏览器窗口时,请注意网站的响应方式。
  3. 当您到达布局不再完美的点时,这就是您的第一个断点。
  4. 针对该屏幕尺寸调整您的网站(可能与任何设备无关)。
  5. 不断缩小浏览器窗口。
  6. 当您遇到下一个布局问题时,这就是您的第二个断点。
  7. ... 等等等等。

Of course, if you're designing mobile-first, then the process goes in reverse: Start with a narrow screen and work your way out.


With natural breakpoints you no longer need to focus on a giant universe of viewport sizes because your site will adapt to any device, both now and in the future.


According to one developer, this approach brings breakpoints full-circle to their original intent:


I'm not sure how we ever came up with the phrase "device-specific breakpoints" anyhow... As I've understood it, the term "breakpoint" was always a reference to where the content or layout would "break" (i.e. appear flawed) and thus you'd need to apply a media query at that point. But I guess that's just semantics, I just always thought it was common sense to refer to breakpoints in the context of content or layout.

~ Louis Lazaris, ImpressiveWebs

source: https://responsivedesign.is/articles/why-you-dont-need-device-specific-breakpoints#comment-1685967450


~ Louis Lazaris, ImpressiveWebs

来源:https: //responsivedesign.is/articles/why-you-dont-need-device-specific-breakpoints#comment-1685967450

More information (external sites):


回答by Drew Gaynor

Also, I would definitely recommend using device-widthfor your mobile sizes, unless you want users to see your mobile styles when they resize their browser window on a non-mobile device. widthis the width of the viewport, and device-widthis the current resolution of the device.


Also, I think I have read that some mobile devices don't behave as expected (with @media).


You are correct. Many devices will not give you the widthor device-widththat you expect, especially when switching between landscape and portrait (they will often give the landscape width when in portrait). Device auto-zooming can also throw a wrench into things. Using the viewport meta tagcan help with many of these issues. (More info on that here)


回答by doubleJ

This is what I use...


@media screen and (max-width:320px) {}
@media screen and (min-width:321px) and (max-width:639px) {}
@media screen and (min-width:640px) and (max-width:959px) {}
@media screen and (min-width:960px) and (max-width:1279px) {}
@media screen and (min-width:1280px) and (max-width:1599px) {}
@media screen and (min-width:1600px) {}
@media screen and (min-width:1920px) {}
@media print {}

There are all kinds of others in there, as appropriate (min-width without max-width or max-width without min-width), but this is my base setup.


Personally, I never understood the odd widths that a lot of people use. For instance, 320 and uphas Five CSS3 Media Query increments: 480, 600, 768, 992 and 1382px.

就我个人而言,我从不理解很多人使用的奇数宽度。例如,320 及以上有五个 CSS3 媒体查询增量:480、600、768、992 和 1382px。

That doesn't make any sense to me. Logical breaks are at intervals of 320px (320, 640, 960, 1280, 1600, 1920). Note that these breaks can give a slightly different layout for pretty much any device in either orientation (omnia is 240x400, iphone is 320x480, droid x is 480x858, ipad is 768x1024, galaxy s3 is 720x1280, and they are talking 1920x1080 tablets).

这对我来说没有任何意义。逻辑中断的间隔为 320 像素(320、640、960、1280、1600、1920)。请注意,这些中断可以为几乎任何方向的几乎任何设备提供略有不同的布局(omnia 是 240x400,iphone 是 320x480,droid x 是 480x858,ipad 是 768x1024,galaxy s3 是 720x1280,他们正在谈论 8020x1020 平板电脑)。



回答by bigblind

some resolutions to look for:


iphone screen (a lot of other smartphones have similar screen sizes: 960-by-640-pixel resolution at 326 ppi http://www.apple.com/iphone/specs.html

iphone 屏幕(许多其他智能手机具有类似的屏幕尺寸:960 x 640 像素分辨率,326 ppi http://www.apple.com/iphone/specs.html

ipad screen (a lot of other tablets have similar screen sizes 1024-by-768-pixel resolution at 132 pixels per inch (ppi) http://www.apple.com/ipad/specs/

ipad 屏幕(许多其他平板电脑的屏幕尺寸相似,分辨率为 1024 x 768 像素,每英寸 132 像素 (ppi) http://www.apple.com/ipad/specs/

'normal' screen a lot of normal screens also have a 1024-by-768-pixels resolution, according to: http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_display.aspbut I'm not vouching for their trustworthyness.

“普通”屏幕 许多普通屏幕也有 1024 x 768 像素的分辨率,根据:http: //www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_display.asp但我不保证它们的可信度。

I'm looking for more data now.
