CSS IE8 :nth-child 和 :before

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时间:2020-08-30 02:22:38  来源:igfitidea点击:

IE8 :nth-child and :before


提问by smogg

Here is my CSS:

这是我的 CSS:

#nav-primary ul li:nth-child(1) a:after { }

Works everywhere now (used thison my website) except Internet Explorer 8...

工作,现在到处(用这个在我的网站),除了Internet Explorer 8中......

Is there possibly a way to use nth-child in IE8? This is the worst version of this browser... nothing works as it should and I can't find a way to fix it.

有没有办法在 IE8 中使用 nth-child?这是这个浏览器最糟糕的版本......没有任何效果,我找不到修复它的方法。

@edit: Simplified version of what I want to achieve: http://jsfiddle.net/LvvNL/. Its just a start. CSS will be more complicated so I need to be able to aim every one of this links. Hope adding classes to every link is not the only way

@edit:我想要实现的简化版本:http: //jsfiddle.net/LvvNL/。它只是一个开始。CSS 会更复杂,所以我需要能够瞄准这个链接中的每一个。希望为每个链接添加类不是唯一的方法

@edit2: I've just noticed that


#nav-primary ul li:nth-child(1) a {
    border-top: 5px solid #144201;

IS actually working in IE8! But this:

实际上是在 IE8 中工作的!但是这个:

#nav-primary ul li:nth-child(1) a:after {
    content: "Text";
    display: block;
    font-weight: normal;
    padding-top: 5px;
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #666;

is NOT working. So what is going on?


回答by thirtydot

You can (ab)use the adjacent sibling combinator (+)to achieve this with CSS that works in IE7/8.

您可以 (ab) 使用相邻的同级组合器 ( +)来通过适用于 IE7/8 的 CSS 实现这一点。


见:http : //jsfiddle.net/thirtydot/LvvNL/64/

/* equivalent to li:nth-child(1) */
#nav-primary ul li:first-child a {
    border-top: 5px solid red;
/* equivalent to li:nth-child(2) */
#nav-primary ul li:first-child + li a {
    border-top: 5px solid blue;
/* equivalent to li:nth-child(3) */
#nav-primary ul li:first-child + li + li a {
    border-top: 5px solid green;

You cannot emulate more complex variations of :nth-child()such as :nth-child(odd)or :nth-child(4n+3)with this method.


回答by Niko

IE9.jssolves this and other related problems!


:nth-child(odd)and :nth-child(even)work with this.




<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src="http://ie7-js.googlecode.com/svn/version/2.1(beta4)/IE9.js"></script>

回答by JonMack

Try pairing Selectivizrwith NMWatcher. That's what I do on all my sites to get good pseudo selector support across all browsers. FWIW if you're using a lot of HTML5 elements then it might be worth using v 1.2.3 of NMWatcher rather than 1.2.4, I had a selectivizr issue with a site today which I couldn't seem to fix, then I moved to 1.2.3 and it worked fine.

尝试将SelectivizrNMWatcher配对。这就是我在所有网站上所做的,以在所有浏览器中获得良好的伪选择器支持。FWIW 如果你使用了很多 HTML5 元素,那么使用 NMWatcher 的 v 1.2.3 而不是 1.2.4 可能是值得的,我今天有一个站点的 selectivizr 问题,我似乎无法修复,然后我移动了到 1.2.3 并且运行良好。

回答by Bojangles

IE8 (and below) doesn't support:nth-child(), but doessupport :after. However, because you're using :nth-child()before :afterin your selector, IE8 won't run it.

IE8(及以下)不支持:nth-child(),但支持:after。但是,因为您在选择器中使用了:nth-child()before :after,IE8 不会运行它。

You could use a JavaScript solution by adding a class to that row, or a library that adds support for these selectors.

您可以通过向该行添加类或添加对这些选择器的支持的库来使用 JavaScript 解决方案。

回答by c4urself

You can use :first-child instead of :nth-child(1) this has better support in IE7+

您可以使用 :first-child 而不是 :nth-child(1) 这在 IE7+ 中有更好的支持

See also http://quirksmode.org/css/firstchild.html


回答by omarjebari

ie9.js sounds like the best solution but you could also just add a class to the cells, eg

ie9.js 听起来是最好的解决方案,但您也可以只向单元格添加一个类,例如

    <td class='first-cell'>stuff</td><td class='second-cell>stuff</td>
    <td class='first-cell'>stuff</td><td class='second-cell>stuff</td>

.first-cell {
    font-weight: bold;
.second-cell {
    font-weight: normal;