CSS getElementsByClassName 在事件发生时改变元素的样式

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时间:2020-08-30 00:28:28  来源:igfitidea点击:

getElementsByClassName to change the style of elements when event occurs


提问by PSL

I'm trying to use



to change the color of all divs with a given classname to another color when hovering over another page element.

将鼠标悬停在另一个页面元素上时,将具有给定类名的所有 div 的颜色更改为另一种颜色。

Here is a jsfiddle -if anyone could give a few helpful pointers as to where I'm going wrong that would be great, I'm sure it's something really obvious that I'm missing. It worked with document.getElementById, but that only changed the color of the first div, not all of them.

这是一个 jsfiddle - 如果有人可以就我出错的地方提供一些有用的指示,那会很棒,我相信这是我遗漏的非常明显的东西。它与 document.getElementById 一起工作,但这只是改变了第一个 div 的颜色,而不是全部。

Thanks :)

谢谢 :)

回答by PSL

As the function name suggests getElementsByClassNamereturns a collection not just one object. So you need to loop through them and apply the color to it.



Plus your id part is invalid. Id cannot have spaces and also it shouldn't appear again on the page which is violated by:

另外您的 id 部分无效。Id 不能有空格,也不应该再次出现在以下页面上:

<th id="colorswitcher A" onmouseover="document.getElementsByClassName('a').style.background='red'">a</th>
<th id="colorswitcher B" onmouseover="document.getElementsByClassName('a').style.background='blue'">b</th>

You can do it this way (You can look up what is a handler and try play yourself with it.), don't use inline attributes for handlers.


    var aColl = document.getElementsByClassName('a'); //Cache the collection here, so that even a new element added with the same class later we can avoid querying this again by using the cached collection.
    var bColl = document.getElementsByClassName('b');

    document.getElementById('A').addEventListener('mouseover', function(){
        changeColor(aColl, 'red');

    document.getElementById('B').addEventListener('mouseover', function(){
        changeColor(bColl, 'blue');
function changeColor(coll, color){

    for(var i=0, len=coll.length; i<len; i++)
        coll[i].style["background-color"] = color;



If you are really trying to do it for some real work, then don't change the style attribute, instead define classes and add/remove classes on mouseover, mouseout events so that you get the power of css' cascading property.

如果你真的想为一些实际工作做这件事,那么不要改变样式属性,而是定义类并在鼠标悬停、鼠标移出事件上添加/删除类,以便您获得 css 级联属性的强大功能。