我需要一个 max-margin CSS 属性,但它不存在。我怎么能假装呢?

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时间:2020-08-30 00:43:11  来源:igfitidea点击:

I need a max-margin CSS property, but it doesn't exist. How could I fake it?


提问by pyon

I am trying to make a simple page with the following characteristics:


  1. Its body must be at least 60em wide.
  2. Its left and right margins must be equally wide and at most 3em wide.
  3. When the browser window is resized, the document's margins should be resized so that the browser window's horizontal scrollbar covers the least wide possible range.
  1. 它的身体必须至少有 60em 宽。
  2. 它的左右边距必须等宽,最多 3em 宽。
  3. 调整浏览器窗口大小时,应调整文档的边距大小,以便浏览器窗口的水平滚动条覆盖尽可能小的范围。

Transforming these requirements into a linear programming problem, we get:


BRWS = (width of the browser window, not a variable)
BODY = (width of the document's body)
LRMG = (width of the document's left and right margins)
HSCR = (range of the browser window's horizontal scroll bar)

MIN HSCR   /* Third requirement */

HSCR = BODY + 2*LRMG - BRWS  /* From the definition of how a browser's
                              * horizontal scrollbar works. */
BODY >= 60  /* First requirement */
LRMG <= 3   /* Second requirement */
LRMG >= 0   /* Physical constraint, margins cannot be negative */
HSCR >= 0   /* Physical constraint, scroll bars cannot have negative ranges */

Solving this linear program, we get:


BODY = (BRWS <= 66) ? 60 : (BRWS - 6)
HSCR = (BRWS >= 60) ?  0 : (60 - BRWS)

(Sorry for the boring math, but I am not confident that the original explanation in English was clear enough.)


Now back to the actual page. After googling to find what I could do with CSS, I managed to implement the first two requirements using the following code:

现在回到实际页面。在谷歌上搜索我可以用 CSS 做什么之后,我设法使用以下代码实现了前两个要求:

body {
  min-width: 60em; /* First requirement */

/* The document's body has only two children, both of which are divs. */
body > div {
  margin: 0 3em;    /* Second requirement, but in a way that makes */
  max-width: 100%;  /* it impossible to satisfy the third one. */

If CSS had a max-marginproperty, satisfying all requirements would be easy:

如果 CSS 有一个max-margin属性,那么满足所有要求就很容易了:

body > div {
  max-margin: 0 3em;
  max-width: 100%;

But, of course, max-margindoes not exist. How could I fake it?


采纳答案by Matthew

Spacer divs on either side of the content divs. Those are your margins. Set their max width using the max-width property.

内容 div 两侧的间隔 div。这些是你的利润。使用 max-width 属性设置它们的最大宽度。

回答by Jonathan Lin

To mimic a variable-width left margin:


.div-class {
    display: inline-block;
.div-class:before {
    content: '';
    width: 10%;
    min-width: 100px;
    max-width: 200px;
    display: inline-block;

回答by nosajimiki

For pure CSS that works in any scenario:

对于适用于任何场景的纯 CSS:

  1. use @mediato create a break point.
  2. Set a max-widthrule below a certain size using responsive width measurements such as an emor %and over that size use static widths such as px.
  1. 使用@media创建断点。
  2. 使用响应宽度测量(例如em% )最大宽度规则设置为低于特定大小,超过该大小使用静态宽度(例如px )

You'll just need to do the math to figure out the static sizes at the break point to make sure it scales fluidly.


Sample Code:


.my_class {
   margin: 0px 10%;
@media screen and (min-width: 480px) {
   .my_class { 
      margin: 0px 10px;

This will make .my_classfollow both:


  • The margin: 0px 10%;at over a screen width of 480px
  • The margin: 0px 10px;at under 480px.
  • margin: 0px 10%;超过的屏幕宽度480像素
  • margin: 0px 10px;下在480像素

回答by Jordan

Matthew's answer is the correct one here, but to expand on what he's saying:


<div id="left"></div>
<div id="content">Content goes here</div>
<div id="right"></div>
<!-- probably need a cleanup div to fix floats here -->



#left, #right {
    float: left;
    max-width: 3em;

#content {
    min-width: 60em;

回答by Onur Y?ld?r?m

None of the answers worked for me 100%.

没有一个答案对我 100% 有效。

Best way is to use CSS tableand table-cell. Supported by all browsers (even IE 8). This handles wrapping way better than floator inline-blocksolutions, when the page is too narrow.

最好的方法是使用CSStabletable-cell. 支持所有浏览器(甚至 IE 8)。当页面太窄时,这比floatinline-block解决方案更好地处理换行。



.wrapper {
    display: table;
    position: relative;
    width: 100%;

.wrapper:before {
    content: '';
    display: table-cell;
    min-width: 100px;
    width: 25%;
    max-width: 300px;

.wrapper > .content {
    display: table-cell;
    width: 100%;



<div class="wrapper>
    <div class="content>
        <!-- content here -->

回答by Erikai

body {
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    width: 60em;

回答by PalDev

Spacer divs are bad practice. Setup another DIV on top of your DIV on your template with text-align:right(if you want to maximize the margin-left) or text-align:leftif you want to maximize the margin-right, this will do the job.

间隔 div 是不好的做法。在模板上的 DIV 顶部设置另一个 DIV text-align:right(如果您想最大化左边距)或者 text-align:left如果您想最大化右边距,这将完成工作。

回答by Emil

See http://www.labite.com/


Re-size the window to observe the changes to the ui.

重新调整窗口大小以观察 ui 的变化。

The website uses min-width max-width with width:100%

网站使用 min-width max-width 和 width:100%

The black frame has max-width which is little wider then the container.
