如何将像素宽度值与 LESS Css 相乘?

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时间:2020-08-30 02:32:52  来源:igfitidea点击:

How can I have multiply a pixel width value with LESS Css?


提问by cwd

I am trying to set up padding on some \ elements styled as pills, and I want to dynamically change the padding. I know I can do:

我正在尝试在一些样式为药丸的 \ 元素上设置填充,并且我想动态更改填充。我知道我可以做到:

@pill-padding-v: 8px;
@pill-padding-h: 15px;

padding:@pill-padding-v @pill-padding-h;

that renders this - and seems to work fine:

呈现这个 - 并且似乎工作正常:

padding:8px 15px;

But how can I have LESS add 1px of padding to that?

但是我怎样才能让 LESS 添加 1px 的填充呢?

@pill-padding-v: 8;
@pill-padding-h: 15;

@pill-padding-v: (@pill-padding-v + 1)
@pill-padding-h: (@pill-padding-h + 1)

padding:@pill-padding-vpx @pill-padding-hpx;

The main probelem seems to be adding "px" as part of the variable name I'm getting a compile error. Also I think it is syntactically incorrect to use 8 pxinstead of 8pxand that seems to break in browsers, too.

主要问题似乎是将“px”添加为变量名的一部分,我收到了编译错误。另外我认为使用8 px而不是在语法上是不正确的,8px而且这似乎在浏览器中也有问题。

How can I have multiply a pixel width value with LESS Css?

如何将像素宽度值与 LESS Css 相乘?

回答by Wesley Murch

You're right that adding the pxto the variable is causing problems. I actually tried the interpolation syntax and it didn't help, but you should be specifying units anyways in your variables (px, em, %...), like in your first working example.

您是对的,将px加到变量中会导致问题。我实际上尝试了插值语法,但没有帮助,但是您应该在变量(px, em, %...)中指定单位,就像在您的第一个工作示例中一样。

You said "multiply" but I think you meant "add". There shouldn't be any problem, try this:


@pill-padding-v: 8px;
@pill-padding-h: 15px;

@pill-padding-v: (@pill-padding-v + 1);
@pill-padding-h: (@pill-padding-h + 1);

element {
    padding:@pill-padding-v @pill-padding-h;

Output should be:


element { padding:9px 16px; }

...although, you might want to just use another variable name or add the 1px right in the style declaration. I don't think re-declaring variables is good practice, and was actually surprised it worked.

...虽然,您可能只想使用另一个变量名称或在样式声明中添加 1px。我不认为重新声明变量是好的做法,实际上很惊讶它的工作原理。

回答by itsmikem

Aside from add, you can perform any mathematical calculation using LESS this way:

除了添加之外,您还可以通过以下方式使用 LESS 执行任何数学计算:

@pill-padding-v: 8;
@pill-padding-h: 15;

element {
/* the numbers I'm multiplying by are arbitrary,
but the value defined in the LESS variable will append
the unit that you multiply it by. */
padding: calc(@pill-padding-v * 3px) calc(@pill-padding-h * 2px);

LESS outputs:


element {
   padding:calc(24px) calc(30px);

Even though it's wrapped in the calc function, it's fine, because the result of the "equation" with no math operator, is that value anyway.

即使它包含在 calc 函数中,也没关系,因为没有数学运算符的“方程”的结果无论如何都是那个值。

User seven-phases-max offers a good point:you don't need the calc()function in the LESS. It can be written in LESS as:

用户七阶段最大提供了一个很好的观点:您不需要calc()LESS 中的功能。可以用 LESS 写成:

element {
   padding: (@pill-padding-v * 3px) (@pill-padding-h * 2px);