CSS SCSS/SASS:如何动态生成用逗号分隔的类列表

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时间:2020-08-30 00:34:04  来源:igfitidea点击:

SCSS/SASS: How to dynamically generate a list of classes with commas separating them


提问by Josh

I'm working with the SCSS syntax of SASS to create a dynamic grid system but I've hit a snag.

我正在使用 SASS 的 SCSS 语法来创建动态网格系统,但我遇到了障碍。

I'm trying to make the grid system completely dynamic like this:


$columns: 12;

then I create the columns like this:


@mixin col-x {
  @for $i from 1 through $columns {
  .col-#{$i} { width: $column-size * $i; }

Which outputs:


.col-1 {
    width: 4.16667%;

.col-2 {
    width: 8.33333%;

This works well but what I want to do next is dynamically generate a long list of column classes separated by commas based on the number of $columns chosen- e.g I want it to look like this:

这很有效,但我接下来要做的是根据选择的 $columns 的数量动态生成一长串由逗号分隔的列类- 例如,我希望它看起来像这样:

 etc... {
float: left;

I've tired this:


@mixin col-x-list {
  @for $i from 1 through $columns - 1 {
  .col-#{$i}-m { float: left; }

but the output is this:


.col-1 {
  float: left;
.col-2 {
  float: left;

I'm a little stuck on the logic here as well as the SCSS syntax required to create something like this.

我对这里的逻辑以及创建这样的东西所需的 SCSS 语法有点卡住了。

Does anyone have any ideas?




回答by D.Alexander

I think you may want to take a look at @extend. If you set that up something like:


$columns: 12;

%float-styles {
  float: left;

@mixin col-x-list {
  @for $i from 1 through $columns {
      .col-#{$i}-m { @extend %float-styles; }

@include col-x-list;

It should render in your css file as:

它应该在您的 css 文件中呈现为:

.col-1-m, .col-2-m, .col-3-m, .col-4-m, .col-5-m, .col-6-m, .col-7-m, .col-8-m, .col-9-m, .col-10-m, .col-11-m, .col-12-m {
  float: left;

@extend in the docs.

@extend 在文档中

Hope this helps!


回答by davidtheclark

There's also a way to do what your question is specifically asking for: generate (and use) a list of classes with commas separating them.D.Alexander's response totally works in your situation, but I'm posting this alternative in case there's another use case for someone looking at this question.

还有一种方法可以完成您的问题具体要求的内容:生成(并使用)用逗号分隔的类列表。D.Alexander 的回答完全适用于您的情况,但我发布了此替代方案,以防有人查看此问题的另一个用例。

Here's a Pen demonstrating: http://codepen.io/davidtheclark/pen/cvrxq

这是一个 Pen 演示:http: //codepen.io/davidtheclark/pen/cvrxq

Basically, you can use Sass functionsto achieve what you want. Specifically, I'm using appendto add classes to my list, separated by commas, and unquoteto avoid compilation conflicts with the period in the classnames.

基本上,你可以使用Sass 函数来实现你想要的。具体来说,我使用append将类添加到我的列表中,用逗号分隔,并unquote避免与类名中的句点发生编译冲突。

So my mixin ends up looking like this:

所以我的 mixin 最终看起来像这样:

@mixin col-x {
  $col-list: null;
  @for $i from 1 through $columns {
    .col-#{$i} {
      width: $column-size * $i;
   $col-list: append($col-list, unquote(".col-#{$i}"), comma);
  #{$col-list} {
    float: left;

Hope that helps somebody.


回答by b3wii

thnx to @davidtheclark here is a more generic version:

谢谢@davidtheclark 这里是一个更通用的版本:

@mixin attr-x($attr, $attr-count: 10, $attr-steps: 10, $unit: '%') {
    $attr-list: null;
    @for $i from 1 through $attr-count {
        $attr-value: $attr-steps * $i;

        .#{$attr}#{$attr-value} {
            #{$attr}: #{$attr-value}#{$unit};

        $attr-list: append($attr-list, unquote(".#{$attr}-#{$attr-value}"), comma);

    #{$attr-list} {
        //append style to all classes

Use it like this:


@include attr-x('margin-left', 6, 5, 'px');
@include attr-x('width');

The result looks like this:


.margin-left5 {
  margin-left: 5px; }

.margin-left10 {
  margin-left: 10px; }


.margin-left30 {
  margin-left: 30px; }

.width10 {
  width: 10%; }

.width20 {
  width: 20%; }


.width100 {
  width: 100%; }