CSS 如何在我的剪辑路径中添加边框:polygon(); CSS样式

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时间:2020-08-30 11:24:14  来源:igfitidea点击:

How to add border in my clip-path: polygon(); CSS style


提问by innovation

I want to know if it is a possible to add borderin my clip-path:polygon();style or any another way to add border?


like : border:5px solid red;

喜欢 : border:5px solid red;



.poligon {
  display: inline-block;
  background: black;
.poligon img {
  display: inline-block;
  border:5px solid red;
  -webkit-clip-path: polygon(92.32051% 40%, 93.79385% 43.1596%, 94.69616% 46.52704%, 95% 50%, 94.69616% 53.47296%, 93.79385% 56.8404%, 92.32051% 60%, 79.82051% 81.65064%, 77.82089% 84.50639%, 75.35575% 86.97152%, 72.5% 88.97114%, 69.3404% 90.44449%, 65.97296% 91.34679%, 62.5% 91.65064%, 37.5% 91.65064%, 34.02704% 91.34679%, 30.6596% 90.44449%, 27.5% 88.97114%, 24.64425% 86.97152%, 22.17911% 84.50639%, 20.17949% 81.65064%, 7.67949% 60%, 6.20615% 56.8404%, 5.30384% 53.47296%, 5% 50%, 5.30384% 46.52704%, 6.20615% 43.1596%, 7.67949% 40%, 20.17949% 18.34936%, 22.17911% 15.49361%, 24.64425% 13.02848%, 27.5% 11.02886%, 30.6596% 9.55551%, 34.02704% 8.65321%, 37.5% 8.34936%, 62.5% 8.34936%, 65.97296% 8.65321%, 69.3404% 9.55551%, 72.5% 11.02886%, 75.35575% 13.02848%, 77.82089% 15.49361%, 79.82051% 18.34936%);
  -moz-clip-path: polygon(92.32051% 40%, 93.79385% 43.1596%, 94.69616% 46.52704%, 95% 50%, 94.69616% 53.47296%, 93.79385% 56.8404%, 92.32051% 60%, 79.82051% 81.65064%, 77.82089% 84.50639%, 75.35575% 86.97152%, 72.5% 88.97114%, 69.3404% 90.44449%, 65.97296% 91.34679%, 62.5% 91.65064%, 37.5% 91.65064%, 34.02704% 91.34679%, 30.6596% 90.44449%, 27.5% 88.97114%, 24.64425% 86.97152%, 22.17911% 84.50639%, 20.17949% 81.65064%, 7.67949% 60%, 6.20615% 56.8404%, 5.30384% 53.47296%, 5% 50%, 5.30384% 46.52704%, 6.20615% 43.1596%, 7.67949% 40%, 20.17949% 18.34936%, 22.17911% 15.49361%, 24.64425% 13.02848%, 27.5% 11.02886%, 30.6596% 9.55551%, 34.02704% 8.65321%, 37.5% 8.34936%, 62.5% 8.34936%, 65.97296% 8.65321%, 69.3404% 9.55551%, 72.5% 11.02886%, 75.35575% 13.02848%, 77.82089% 15.49361%, 79.82051% 18.34936%);



<div class="poligon">
  <img src="http://lorempixel.com/g/600/400/">

回答by Harry

Can border be applied to a clipped element along the clip path?


No, adding borderproperty to the clipped element would not apply the borders along the clipped path because the borderis applied to the original rectangle (or square) container before the clip-pathis applied and so, it also gets clipped out. You can see this in the below snippet:

不,向border剪切元素添加属性不会沿剪切路径应用边框,因为在border应用 之前clip-path已应用于原始矩形(或正方形)容器,因此它也会被剪切掉。您可以在以下代码段中看到这一点:

div {
  display: inline-block;
  height: 200px;
  width: 200px;
  border: 3px solid;
  background: darkseagreen;
div + div {
  -webkit-clip-path: polygon(50% 0%, 100% 100%, 100% 0%);

Are there any alternate ways to create such a border effect?


We can mimic it by applying the same clip-pathon a container element. The container element's background color will look as though it is the border of the inner element because both are clipped and the container has slightly higher dimensions than the inner element.


.poligon {
  display: inline-block;
  position: relative;
  width: 150px;
  height: 150px;
  background: red;
  box-sizing: border-box;
  -webkit-clip-path: polygon(92.32051% 40%, 93.79385% 43.1596%, 94.69616% 46.52704%, 95% 50%, 94.69616% 53.47296%, 93.79385% 56.8404%, 92.32051% 60%, 79.82051% 81.65064%, 77.82089% 84.50639%, 75.35575% 86.97152%, 72.5% 88.97114%, 69.3404% 90.44449%, 65.97296% 91.34679%, 62.5% 91.65064%, 37.5% 91.65064%, 34.02704% 91.34679%, 30.6596% 90.44449%, 27.5% 88.97114%, 24.64425% 86.97152%, 22.17911% 84.50639%, 20.17949% 81.65064%, 7.67949% 60%, 6.20615% 56.8404%, 5.30384% 53.47296%, 5% 50%, 5.30384% 46.52704%, 6.20615% 43.1596%, 7.67949% 40%, 20.17949% 18.34936%, 22.17911% 15.49361%, 24.64425% 13.02848%, 27.5% 11.02886%, 30.6596% 9.55551%, 34.02704% 8.65321%, 37.5% 8.34936%, 62.5% 8.34936%, 65.97296% 8.65321%, 69.3404% 9.55551%, 72.5% 11.02886%, 75.35575% 13.02848%, 77.82089% 15.49361%, 79.82051% 18.34936%);
  clip-path: polygon(92.32051% 40%, 93.79385% 43.1596%, 94.69616% 46.52704%, 95% 50%, 94.69616% 53.47296%, 93.79385% 56.8404%, 92.32051% 60%, 79.82051% 81.65064%, 77.82089% 84.50639%, 75.35575% 86.97152%, 72.5% 88.97114%, 69.3404% 90.44449%, 65.97296% 91.34679%, 62.5% 91.65064%, 37.5% 91.65064%, 34.02704% 91.34679%, 30.6596% 90.44449%, 27.5% 88.97114%, 24.64425% 86.97152%, 22.17911% 84.50639%, 20.17949% 81.65064%, 7.67949% 60%, 6.20615% 56.8404%, 5.30384% 53.47296%, 5% 50%, 5.30384% 46.52704%, 6.20615% 43.1596%, 7.67949% 40%, 20.17949% 18.34936%, 22.17911% 15.49361%, 24.64425% 13.02848%, 27.5% 11.02886%, 30.6596% 9.55551%, 34.02704% 8.65321%, 37.5% 8.34936%, 62.5% 8.34936%, 65.97296% 8.65321%, 69.3404% 9.55551%, 72.5% 11.02886%, 75.35575% 13.02848%, 77.82089% 15.49361%, 79.82051% 18.34936%);
.poligon img {
  position: absolute;
  top: 2px; /* equal to border thickness */
  left: 2px; /* equal to border thickness */
  width: 146px; /* container height - (border thickness * 2) */
  height: 146px; /* container height - (border thickness * 2) */
  -webkit-clip-path: polygon(92.32051% 40%, 93.79385% 43.1596%, 94.69616% 46.52704%, 95% 50%, 94.69616% 53.47296%, 93.79385% 56.8404%, 92.32051% 60%, 79.82051% 81.65064%, 77.82089% 84.50639%, 75.35575% 86.97152%, 72.5% 88.97114%, 69.3404% 90.44449%, 65.97296% 91.34679%, 62.5% 91.65064%, 37.5% 91.65064%, 34.02704% 91.34679%, 30.6596% 90.44449%, 27.5% 88.97114%, 24.64425% 86.97152%, 22.17911% 84.50639%, 20.17949% 81.65064%, 7.67949% 60%, 6.20615% 56.8404%, 5.30384% 53.47296%, 5% 50%, 5.30384% 46.52704%, 6.20615% 43.1596%, 7.67949% 40%, 20.17949% 18.34936%, 22.17911% 15.49361%, 24.64425% 13.02848%, 27.5% 11.02886%, 30.6596% 9.55551%, 34.02704% 8.65321%, 37.5% 8.34936%, 62.5% 8.34936%, 65.97296% 8.65321%, 69.3404% 9.55551%, 72.5% 11.02886%, 75.35575% 13.02848%, 77.82089% 15.49361%, 79.82051% 18.34936%);
  clip-path: polygon(92.32051% 40%, 93.79385% 43.1596%, 94.69616% 46.52704%, 95% 50%, 94.69616% 53.47296%, 93.79385% 56.8404%, 92.32051% 60%, 79.82051% 81.65064%, 77.82089% 84.50639%, 75.35575% 86.97152%, 72.5% 88.97114%, 69.3404% 90.44449%, 65.97296% 91.34679%, 62.5% 91.65064%, 37.5% 91.65064%, 34.02704% 91.34679%, 30.6596% 90.44449%, 27.5% 88.97114%, 24.64425% 86.97152%, 22.17911% 84.50639%, 20.17949% 81.65064%, 7.67949% 60%, 6.20615% 56.8404%, 5.30384% 53.47296%, 5% 50%, 5.30384% 46.52704%, 6.20615% 43.1596%, 7.67949% 40%, 20.17949% 18.34936%, 22.17911% 15.49361%, 24.64425% 13.02848%, 27.5% 11.02886%, 30.6596% 9.55551%, 34.02704% 8.65321%, 37.5% 8.34936%, 62.5% 8.34936%, 65.97296% 8.65321%, 69.3404% 9.55551%, 72.5% 11.02886%, 75.35575% 13.02848%, 77.82089% 15.49361%, 79.82051% 18.34936%);
<div class="poligon">
  <img src="http://lorempixel.com/g/600/400/">

回答by Steve Ladavich

Adding a Border to a Complex Clip Path With SVG Dilation Filter

使用 SVG 膨胀过滤器为复杂的剪辑路径添加边框

Copy-Shrink Method Only Works In Simple Cases -- used in currently accepted answer


The currently accepted answer works by making a copy and shrinking it. This works for the example, but if you have a more complex shape (like text), it will not work. A better approach is to use dilation with a filter.


Shape Dilation Works on ANY Shape


A better approach is to use dilation with the feMorphology filter!!

更好的方法是使用 feMorphology 过滤器进行扩张!!

Key aspects:


  • Create matching <image>and <rect>shapes of equal height and width
  • Clip both with the desired shape path/polygon
  • Use filter to dilate/enlarge the clipped rectto make a border
  • 创建高度和宽度相等的匹配<image><rect>形状
  • 用所需的形状路径/多边形剪辑
  • 使用过滤器扩张/放大剪裁rect以制作边框

The filter radius=becomes the stand in for border thickness.


The result:


enter image description here


  clip-path: url(#clip_shape);
  filter: url("#dilate_shape");
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="400" width="400">
  <clipPath id="clip_shape" clipPathUnits="objectBoundingBox">
    <text x="0" y=".8" lengthAdjust="spacing" font-weight="700" font-style="italic" font-size="1"> M </text>
   <filter id="dilate_shape">
      <feMorphology operator="dilate" in="SourceGraphic" radius="5" />
 <g transform="translate(5,5)">
 <g class="dilate">
   <rect class="clipper" x=0 y=0 height="400px" width="400px" fill="lightgreen"></rect>
 <image class="clipper" xlink:href="http://placekitten.com/400/300" height="400px" width="400px">

回答by Stewartside



A nice way to do this would be with a pseudo-element like a :before

一个很好的方法是使用伪元素,如 :before

Make exactly the same shape but slightly smaller which holds the main color you want and position it correctly and you get the border you want.


The below example isn't the correct shape but shows how to achieve this effect:


.shape {
  width: 400px;
  height: 40px;
  background-color: black;
  -webkit-clip-path: polygon(5% 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%, 0 100%);
  clip-path: polygon(5% 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%, 0 100%);
  position: relative;

.shape:before {
  content: '';
  width: 398px;
  height: 38px;
  -webkit-clip-path: polygon(5% 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%, 0 100%);
  clip-path: polygon(5% 0, 100% 0, 100% 100%, 0 100%, 0 100%);
  background: green;
  display: block;
  position: absolute;
  top: 1px;
  left: 1px;
<div class="shape"></div>

回答by Omer

Solution with pseudo element


I am write some simple code, use pseudo element - ::before, that I want to share.

我正在写一些简单的代码,使用伪元素 - ::before,我想分享。

I create the same shape-poligon, just bigger.


And so it seems that it has a border as you wanted (5px)


link to some nice clip-path: https://bennettfeely.com/clippy/

链接到一些不错的剪辑路径:https: //bennettfeely.com/clippy/

.poligon {
  height: 160px;
  width: 160px;
  background-color: black;
  clip-path: polygon(92.32051% 40%, 93.79385% 43.1596%, 94.69616% 46.52704%, 95% 50%, 94.69616% 53.47296%, 93.79385% 56.8404%, 92.32051% 60%, 79.82051% 81.65064%, 77.82089% 84.50639%, 75.35575% 86.97152%, 72.5% 88.97114%, 69.3404% 90.44449%, 65.97296% 91.34679%, 62.5% 91.65064%, 37.5% 91.65064%, 34.02704% 91.34679%, 30.6596% 90.44449%, 27.5% 88.97114%, 24.64425% 86.97152%, 22.17911% 84.50639%, 20.17949% 81.65064%, 7.67949% 60%, 6.20615% 56.8404%, 5.30384% 53.47296%, 5% 50%, 5.30384% 46.52704%, 6.20615% 43.1596%, 7.67949% 40%, 20.17949% 18.34936%, 22.17911% 15.49361%, 24.64425% 13.02848%, 27.5% 11.02886%, 30.6596% 9.55551%, 34.02704% 8.65321%, 37.5% 8.34936%, 62.5% 8.34936%, 65.97296% 8.65321%, 69.3404% 9.55551%, 72.5% 11.02886%, 75.35575% 13.02848%, 77.82089% 15.49361%, 79.82051% 18.34936%);

.poligon::before {
  content: "";
  display: block;
  position: relative;
  top: 5px;
  left: 5px;
  height: 150px;
  width: 150px;
  background-color: red;
  clip-path: polygon(92.32051% 40%, 93.79385% 43.1596%, 94.69616% 46.52704%, 95% 50%, 94.69616% 53.47296%, 93.79385% 56.8404%, 92.32051% 60%, 79.82051% 81.65064%, 77.82089% 84.50639%, 75.35575% 86.97152%, 72.5% 88.97114%, 69.3404% 90.44449%, 65.97296% 91.34679%, 62.5% 91.65064%, 37.5% 91.65064%, 34.02704% 91.34679%, 30.6596% 90.44449%, 27.5% 88.97114%, 24.64425% 86.97152%, 22.17911% 84.50639%, 20.17949% 81.65064%, 7.67949% 60%, 6.20615% 56.8404%, 5.30384% 53.47296%, 5% 50%, 5.30384% 46.52704%, 6.20615% 43.1596%, 7.67949% 40%, 20.17949% 18.34936%, 22.17911% 15.49361%, 24.64425% 13.02848%, 27.5% 11.02886%, 30.6596% 9.55551%, 34.02704% 8.65321%, 37.5% 8.34936%, 62.5% 8.34936%, 65.97296% 8.65321%, 69.3404% 9.55551%, 72.5% 11.02886%, 75.35575% 13.02848%, 77.82089% 15.49361%, 79.82051% 18.34936%);
<div class="poligon"></div>

回答by kinoli

Here's how to do it.


<div class="screenshot"><img src="assets/img/tutorial/1.jpg"></div>

Just add duplicate the mask and add a padding to the parent.


.screenshot {
    mask: url(../assets/img/bubble.svg) center center no-repeat;
    background: white;
    padding: 10px;

    img {
        mask: url(../assets/img/bubble.svg) center center no-repeat;

回答by Cyberpunk Interactive

I have another solution to this..


This is what I'm working on: enter image description here

这就是我正在做的事情: 在此处输入图片说明

.top-angle-left {
    -webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 15%, 100% 100%, 0 100%);
    clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 15%, 100% 100%, 0 100%);
    position: relative;

.top-angle-left:after {
    -webkit-clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 15%, 100% 100%, 0 85%);
    clip-path: polygon(0 0, 100% 15%, 100% 100%, 0 85%);
    background: #e99d15;
    content: '';
    position: absolute;
    left: 0;
    top: -82%;
    right: 0;
    height: 100%;
    display: block;
    z-index: 9;

The idea that the :after element can ALWAYS scale with the its parent container, so now this is 100% responsive. This is only accomplished by applying the negative top to the :after element. Hope this is helpful!!

:after 元素总是可以随其父容器缩放的想法,所以现在这是 100% 响应。这只能通过将负顶部应用于 :after 元素来实现。希望这是有帮助的!!