CSS 如何从特定的 PrimeFaces p:panelGrid 中删除边框?

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时间:2020-08-30 03:45:19  来源:igfitidea点击:

How to remove border from specific PrimeFaces p:panelGrid?


提问by Eleeist

I have difficulty in removing border from a specific PrimeFaces <p:panelGrid>.

我很难从特定的 PrimeFaces 中删除边框<p:panelGrid>

<p:panelGrid styleClass="companyHeaderGrid">
            Some tags
            Some tags

I have been able to remove border from the cells with:


.companyHeaderGrid td {
    border: none;


.companyHeaderGrid {
    border: none;

Does not work.


回答by BalusC

The border is been set on the generated trand tdelements, not on the table. So, this should do:

边框是在生成的trtd元素上设置的,而不是在table. 所以,这应该做:

.companyHeaderGrid.ui-panelgrid .ui-panelgrid-cell {
    border: none;

How I found it? Just check the generated HTML output and all CSS style rules in the webdeveloper toolset of Chrome (rightclick, Inspect Elementor press F12). Firebug and IE9 have a similar toolset. As to the confusion, just keep in mind that JSF/Facelets ultimately generates HTML and that CSS only applies on the HTML markup, not on the JSF source code. So to apply/finetune CSS you need to look in the client (webbrowser) side instead.

我是怎么找到的?只需在 Chrome 的 webdeveloper 工具集中检查生成的 HTML 输出和所有 CSS 样式规则(右键单击,检查元素或按 F12)。Firebug 和 IE9 具有类似的工具集。至于混淆,请记住 JSF/Facelets 最终会生成 HTML,并且 CSS 仅适用于 HTML 标记,而不适用于 JSF 源代码。因此,要应用/微调 CSS,您需要查看客户端(网络浏览器)端。

enter image description here


See also:


If you're still on PrimeFaces 4 or older, use below instead:

如果您仍在使用 PrimeFaces 4 或更旧版本,请改用以下代码:

.companyHeaderGrid.ui-panelgrid>*>tr>td {
    border: none;

回答by Mr.Q

I am using Primefaces 6.0 and in order to remove borders from my panel grid i use this style class "ui-noborder" as follow:

我正在使用 Primefaces 6.0,为了从我的面板网格中删除边框,我使用了这个样式类“ui-noborder”,如下所示:

<p:panelGrid columns="3" styleClass="ui-noborder">
   <!--panel grid contents -->

It uses a css file named "components" in primefaces lib

它在 primefaces 库中使用名为“components”的 css 文件

回答by Mohammed Pasha

This worked for me:


.ui-panelgrid td, .ui-panelgrid tr
    border-style: none !important

回答by Paul Wasilewski

If BalusC answer doesn't work try this:

如果 BalusC 答案不起作用,请尝试以下操作:

.companyHeaderGrid td {
     border-style: hidden !important;

回答by Ajeesh

If you find a line in between the columns then use the below code,


.panelNoBorder, .panelNoBorder tr, .panelNoBorder td{
border: hidden;
border-color: white;

I checked this with Primefaces 5.1

我用 Primefaces 5.1 检查了这个

     <title>Login Page</title>    
     <h:outputStylesheet library="css" name="common.css"/>

<p:panelGrid id="loginPanel" columns="3" styleClass="panelNoBorder">
<p:outputLabel value="Username"/> <p:inputText id="loginTextUsername"/>
<p:outputLabel value="Password"/> <p:password id="loginPassword"/>
<p:commandButton id="loginButtonLogin" value="Login"/> <p:commandButton id="loginButtonClear" value="Clear"/>

回答by Kanjarana

Nowdays, Primefaces 5.x have a attribute in panelGrid named "columnClasses".

现在,Primefaces 5.x 在 panelGrid 中有一个名为“columnClasses”的属性。

.no-border {
    border-style: hidden !important ; /* or none */

So, to a panelGrid with 2 columns, repeat two times the css class.

因此,对于具有 2 列的 panelGrid,重复两次 css 类。

<p:panelGrid columns="2" columnClasses="no-border, no-border">

To other elements, the ugly " !important " is not necessary, but to the border just with it work fine to me.


回答by spyder man



<p:panelGrid styleClass="ui-noborder">

回答by Edson Cezar

If you just want something more simple, you can just change:


<p:panelGrid >




<h:panelGrid border="0">


That's worked fine for me


回答by jrabasilio

for me only the following code works


.noBorder tr {
border-width: 0 ;
.ui-panelgrid td{
    border-width: 0

<p:panelGrid id="userFormFields" columns="2" styleClass="noBorder" >

回答by Koekiebox

For the traditional as well as all the modern themes to have no border, apply the following;


<!--No Border on PanelGrid-->
        .ui-panelgrid, .ui-panelgrid td, .ui-panelgrid tr, .ui-panelgrid tbody tr td
            border: none !important;
            border-style: none !important;
            border-width: 0px !important;