CSS 如何在wordpress帖子的图像中添加自动类

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时间:2020-08-30 01:14:15  来源:igfitidea点击:

How to add automatic class in image for wordpress post


提问by Amit Sarker

I want to make a responsive theme with Bootstrap 3. However, I need to automatically add the CSS class .img-responsiveto every post image because I need the images to be responsive.

我想用 Bootstrap 3 制作一个响应式主题。但是,我需要自动将 CSS 类添加.img-responsive到每个帖子图像中,因为我需要图像具有响应性。

Please suggest me what I need to add in WordPress's functions.phpfile or any other file that will allow me to add the CSS class automatically.

请建议我需要在 WordPressfunctions.php文件或任何其他允许我自动添加 CSS 类的文件中添加什么。

回答by AhmadAssaf

since you need to have it for all of your post images, then you need to add a hook for the content and add


function add_responsive_class($content){

        $content = mb_convert_encoding($content, 'HTML-ENTITIES', "UTF-8");
        $document = new DOMDocument();

        $imgs = $document->getElementsByTagName('img');
        foreach ($imgs as $img) {

        $html = $document->saveHTML();
        return $html;

now add the hook to the content


add_filter        ('the_content', 'add_responsive_class');

However, if you already have classes for the img and you need to add a new class then you can refer to PHP equivalent to jQuery addClass. Or, you can simply do this:

但是,如果您已经有 img 的类并且您需要添加一个新类,那么您可以参考PHP 等效于 jQuery addClass。或者,您可以简单地执行以下操作:

$existing_class = $img->getAttribute('class');
$img->setAttribute('class', "img-responsive $existing_class");

The code above works .. i use it to remove src and data-src for image lazy loading. Hope it works for you

上面的代码有效..我用它来删除图像延迟加载的 src 和 data-src。希望这对你有用

回答by Yaron

This approach is better: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/108831/add-css-class-to-every-image

这种方法更好:https: //wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/108831/add-css-class-to-every-image

function add_image_class($class){
    $class .= ' additional-class';
    return $class;

Only caveat is that it adds the class within the edit pane when you insert new images and doesn't affect pre existing ones.


回答by Syclone

I think the easiest way is to use CSS like this.

我认为最简单的方法是像这样使用 CSS。

.content img { height: auto; max-width: 100%; }

Where .contentis the area that contains your post content.


Note: You may also want to override the .wp-captionclass as well like so.


.wp-caption { width: auto !important; }

回答by user793487

I had the same question, and adding this function to functions.php worked for me.

我有同样的问题,将此函数添加到 functions.php 对我有用。

function add_image_responsive_class($content) {
   global $post;
   $pattern ="/<img(.*?)class=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)>/i";
   $replacement = '<imgclass=" img-responsive">';
   $content = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $content);
   return $content;
add_filter('the_content', 'add_image_responsive_class');

回答by Bertrand

When you display post in your loop, you could do :


the_post_thumbnail('thumbnail', array('class' => 'img-responsive'));

See https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/the_post_thumbnailfor more details.


回答by super global user

You can use jquery code on the header.php file of your theme.

您可以在主题的 header.php 文件中使用 jquery 代码。

jQuery(function() {

回答by Lallex

Not quite sure how good this answer is performance wise but it works. Just put this in functions.php.

不太确定这个答案在性能方面有多好,但它有效。把它放在functions.php 中。

function img_responsive($content){
    return str_replace('<img class="','<img class="img-responsive ',$content);

Please note that you need the space after class="img-responsiveso it doesn't merge with other classes.


回答by Mitul Shah

I think you don't require to add class to make image responsive. just remove height width from featured image, image will become responsive definitely.


There is code put in your function.php to remove height width

在您的 function.php 中有代码来删除高度宽度

add_filter( 'post_thumbnail_html', 'remove_thumbnail_dimensions', 10, 3 );

function remove_thumbnail_dimensions( $html, $post_id, $post_image_id ) {
    $html = preg_replace( '/(width|height)=\"\d*\"\s/', "", $html );
    return $html;

回答by diggy

Classes are not added on upload, but when the image is sent to the editor. You can use the image_send_to_editorfilter to add one or more classes. This exampleadds a fancyboxclass.


回答by Yolexis Reyes

//all classes i need in a string

$classes = 'img-responsive attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image'; 

//then i use my variable

the_post_thumbnail('post_thumbnail', array( 'class' => $classes ));