CSS Firefox 和 Opera 中的 Webfont 平滑和抗锯齿

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时间:2020-08-30 04:27:51  来源:igfitidea点击:

Webfont Smoothing and Antialiasing in Firefox and Opera


提问by matt

I have custom-made web fonts used on my site. To style my rendering output, I used the following code:


//-webkit-text-stroke-width: .05px;
//-webkit-text-stroke-color: white;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;

This works fine on Safari and Chrome (edges are sharper and lines are thinner). Is there any way of implementing the same style on Firefox and Opera?

这在 Safari 和 Chrome 上运行良好(边缘更清晰,线条更细)。有没有办法在 Firefox 和 Opera 上实现相同的风格?

回答by Maximilian Hoffmann

As Opera is powered by Blink since Version 15.0 -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiaseddoes also work on Opera.

由于 Opera 由 Blink 提供支持,因为 15.0 版-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased也适用于 Opera。

Firefox has finally added a property to enable grayscaled antialiasing. After a long discussionit will be available in Version 25 with another syntax, which points out that this property only works on OS X.

Firefox 终于添加了一个属性来启用灰度抗锯齿。经过长时间的讨论,它将在版本 25 中使用另一种语法,指出此属性仅适用于 OS X。

-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

This should fix blurry icon fonts or light text on dark backgrounds.


.font-smoothing {
    -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
    -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;

You may read my post about font rendering on OSXwhich includes a Sass mixin to handle both properties.

您可以阅读我关于 OSX字体渲染的文章,其中包含一个 Sass mixin 来处理这两个属性。

回答by Jonathan Naguin

Well, Firefox does not support something like that.

嗯,Firefox 不支持这样的东西。

In the reference page from Mozilla specifies font-smoothas CSS property controls the application of anti-aliasing when fonts are rendered, but this property has been removedfrom this specification and is currently not on the standard track.

在 Mozilla 的参考页面中指定font-smooth为 CSS 属性控制渲染字体时抗锯齿的应用,但此属性已从本规范中删除,目前不在标准轨道上。

This property is only supported in Webkit browsers.

此属性仅在 Webkit 浏览器中受支持。

If you want an alternative you can check this:


回答by Volker E.

Case: Light text with jaggy web font on dark background Firefox (v35)/Windows
Example: Google Web Font Ruda

案例:深色背景上带有锯齿状网络字体的浅色文本 Firefox (v35)/Windows
示例:Google Web Font Ruda

Surprising solution -
adding following property to the applied selectors:

令人惊讶的解决方案 -

selector {
    text-shadow: 0 0 0;

Actually, result is the same just with text-shadow: 0 0;, but I like to explicitly set blur-radius.

实际上,结果与 相同text-shadow: 0 0;,但我喜欢明确设置模糊半径。

It's not an universal solution, but might help in some cases. Moreover I haven't experienced (also not thoroughly tested) negative performance impacts of this solution so far.


回答by azenet

After running into the issue, I found out that my WOFF file was not done properly, I sent a new TTF to FontSquirrelwhich gave me a proper WOFF that was smooth in Firefox without adding any extra CSS to it.

遇到这个问题后,我发现我的 WOFF 文件没有正确完成,我向FontSquirrel发送了一个新的 TTF,它给了我一个正确的 WOFF,它在 Firefox 中很流畅,而没有向它添加任何额外的 CSS。

回答by Plici Stéphane

I found the solution with this link : http://pixelsvsbytes.com/blog/2013/02/nice-web-fonts-for-every-browser/

我通过此链接找到了解决方案:http: //pixelsvsbytes.com/blog/2013/02/nice-web-fonts-for-every-browser/

Step by step method :


  • send your font to a WebFontGenerator and get the zip
  • find the TTF font on the Zip file
  • then, on linux, do this command (or install by apt-get install ttfautohint):
    ttfautohint --strong-stem-width=g neosansstd-black.ttf neosansstd-black.changed.ttf
  • then, one more, send the new TTF file (neosansstd-black.changed.ttf) on the WebFontGenerator
  • you get a perfect Zip with all your webfonts !
  • 将您的字体发送到 WebFontGenerator 并获取 zip
  • 在 Zip 文件中找到 TTF 字体
  • 然后,在 linux 上,执行此命令(或通过 安装apt-get install ttfautohint):
    ttfautohint --strong-stem-width=g neosansstd-black.ttf neosansstd-black.changed.ttf
  • 然后,再一次,在 WebFontGenerator 上发送新的 TTF 文件(neosansstd-black.changed.ttf)
  • 您将获得带有所有网络字体的完美 Zip!

I hope this will help.


回答by user3634787

... in the body tag and these from the content and the typeface looks better in general...


body, html {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
text-rendering: optimizeLegibility;
text-rendering: geometricPrecision;
font-smooth: always;

font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased;

#content {
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;


回答by Christelle

When the color of text is dark, in Safari and Chrome, I have better result with the text-stroke css property.

当文本颜色较暗时,在 Safari 和 Chrome 中,使用 text-stroke css 属性有更好的效果。

-webkit-text-stroke: 0.5px #000;

回答by Aaron VIII



font-weight: normal;

To your @font-face fonts will fix the bold appearance in Firefox.

@font-face 字体将修复 Firefox 中的粗体外观。