覆盖 google recaptcha css 以使其响应
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Overriding google recaptcha css to make it responsive
I installed Google Recaptcha in a site (not a Wordpress site or Joomla) So do not offer any WP plugins or Joomla Extension :)
我在一个站点(不是 Wordpress 站点或 Joomla)中安装了Google Recaptcha所以不要提供任何 WP 插件或 Joomla 扩展 :)
My problem is, the site is responsive and recaptcha is not. When I use Firebug to find its styles I realized that not only the library that Google provides does not contain the css files, and I can't override them in my custom-styles.css file because Google, very thoughtfully, applied the !important
selector hack to EVERYTHING in their css, but I even tried classing it so that I can make a breach and hopefully override Google's styles but then the plugin doesn't work:(
我的问题是,该网站是响应式的,而 recaptcha 则不是。当我使用 Firebug 查找其样式时,我意识到不仅 Google 提供的库不包含 css 文件,而且我无法在我的 custom-styles.css 文件中覆盖它们,因为 Google 非常周到地应用了!important
选择器 hack到他们 css 中的所有内容,但我什至尝试对它进行分类,以便我可以突破并希望覆盖 Google 的样式,但是该插件不起作用:(
Any ideas?
p.s. I am not using a different re-captcha either. Sorry. I'm sure there are some recaptcha geeks out here ;)
ps我也没有使用不同的重新验证码。对不起。我敢肯定这里有一些 recaptcha 极客;)
Here is the HTML. This is what the recaptcha.php renders from the server. THIS IS NOT WHAT i I HAVE IN THE ACTUAL PHP PAGE...(Don't have a CSS, and that is the main problem)
这是 HTML。这是recaptcha.php 从服务器呈现的内容。这不是我在实际 PHP 页面中所拥有的......(没有 CSS,这是主要问题)
<div id="recaptcha_widget_div" style="" class=" recaptcha_nothad_incorrect_sol recaptcha_isnot_showing_audio"><div id="recaptcha_area"><table id="recaptcha_table" class="recaptchatable recaptcha_theme_red">
<td colspan="6" class="recaptcha_r1_c1"></td>
<td class="recaptcha_r2_c1"></td>
<td colspan="4" class="recaptcha_image_cell">
<center><div id="recaptcha_image" style="width: 300px; height: 57px;">
<img id="recaptcha_challenge_image" alt="reCAPTCHA challenge image" height="57" width="300" src="http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/image?c=03AHJ_VutTaFjCI-gV3f3W2_M6gix7arVpF-9EOz-f773U5LmDrl33mKCn9wMXYGe0t8-xy-1HD0ysHzOI_NYyOtxOxD_a4Jj5G5h4bDMalKBQ5PDJaaE6ur8K44ilzimisHHYX6xZJ4y9xeuP6lT4vQa59-nNPju3VrlolnYgbM6oKgD7el1Rr9cpbRojjc_2zFraHkTjxyUU"></div>
<td class="recaptcha_r2_c2"></td>
<td rowspan="6" class="recaptcha_r3_c1"></td>
<td colspan="4" class="recaptcha_r3_c2"></td>
<td rowspan="6" class="recaptcha_r3_c3"></td>
<td rowspan="3" class="recaptcha_r4_c1" height="49">
<div class="recaptcha_input_area">
<span id="recaptcha_challenge_field_holder" style="display: none;">
<input type="hidden" name="recaptcha_challenge_field" id="recaptcha_challenge_field" value="03AHJ_VutTaFjCI-gV3f3W2_M6gix7arVpF-9EOz-f773U5LmDrl33mKCn9wMXYGe0t8-xy-1HD0ysHzOI_NYyOtxOxD_a4Jj5G5h4bDMalKBQ5PDJaaE6ur8K44ilzimisHHYX6xZJ4y9xeuP6lT4vQa59-nNPju3VrlolnYgbM6oKgD7el1Rr9cpbRojjc_2zFraHkTjxyUU"></span>
<input name="recaptcha_response_field" id="recaptcha_response_field" type="text" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" placeholder="Type the text" autocomplete="off" style="font-style: italic;">
<span id="recaptcha_privacy" class="recaptcha_only_if_privacy"><a href="http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/" target="_blank">Privacy & Terms</a></span>
<td rowspan="4" class="recaptcha_r4_c2"></td>
<td><a id="recaptcha_reload_btn" title="Get a new challenge">
<img id="recaptcha_reload" width="25" height="17" src="http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/img/red/refresh.gif" alt="Get a new challenge"></a></td>
<td rowspan="4" class="recaptcha_r4_c4"></td>
<td><a id="recaptcha_switch_audio_btn" class="recaptcha_only_if_image" title="Get an audio challenge">
<img id="recaptcha_switch_audio" width="25" height="16" alt="Get an audio challenge" src="http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/img/red/audio.gif"></a><a id="recaptcha_switch_img_btn" class="recaptcha_only_if_audio" title="Get a visual challenge">
<img id="recaptcha_switch_img" width="25" height="16" alt="Get a visual challenge" src="http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/img/red/text.gif"></a>
<td><a id="recaptcha_whatsthis_btn" title="Help">
<img id="recaptcha_whatsthis" width="25" height="16" src="http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/img/red/help.gif" alt="Help"></a>
<td class="recaptcha_r7_c1"></td> <td class="recaptcha_r8_c1"></td>
This is what I do have in the page
$publickey = "your_public_key"; // you got this from the signup page
echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey);
And here is my problem
回答by Jan
Changed auto height and media query
@media only screen and (max-width : 480px) {
margin: 0 !important;
width: 100% !important;
height: auto !important;
margin: 0 !important;
width: 100% !important;
height: auto !important;
.recaptchatable #recaptcha_image {
margin: 0 !important;
width: 100% !important;
height: auto !important;
.recaptchatable .recaptcha_r1_c1,
.recaptchatable .recaptcha_r3_c1,
.recaptchatable .recaptcha_r3_c2,
.recaptchatable .recaptcha_r7_c1,
.recaptchatable .recaptcha_r8_c1,
.recaptchatable .recaptcha_r3_c3,
.recaptchatable .recaptcha_r2_c1,
.recaptchatable .recaptcha_r4_c1,
.recaptchatable .recaptcha_r4_c2,
.recaptchatable .recaptcha_r4_c4,
.recaptchatable .recaptcha_image_cell {
margin: 0 !important;
width: 100% !important;
background: none !important;
height: auto !important;
For reCAPTCHA (requires jQuery):
对于 reCAPTCHA(需要 jQuery):
function rescaleCaptcha(){
var width = $('.g-recaptcha').parent().width();
var scale;
if (width < 302) {
scale = width / 302;
} else{
scale = 1.0;
$('.g-recaptcha').css('transform', 'scale(' + scale + ')');
$('.g-recaptcha').css('-webkit-transform', 'scale(' + scale + ')');
$('.g-recaptcha').css('transform-origin', '0 0');
$('.g-recaptcha').css('-webkit-transform-origin', '0 0');
$( window ).resize(function() { rescaleCaptcha(); });
This basically checks your browser width and depends the scale it should be transformed too. Best solution around at this point.
Screenshots result (full width, smaller width, smallest width):
回答by Marc B
Google has complete documentation on how to style recaptcha forms here:
Google 在此处提供了有关如何设置 recaptcha 表单样式的完整文档:
and you can completely override the html/css they provide with your own.
并且您可以完全覆盖他们提供的 html/css。
回答by Siraj Khan
You may want to add some CSS styling but we opted for removing everything that wasn't necessary.
您可能想要添加一些 CSS 样式,但我们选择删除所有不必要的内容。
Add this code to your css file :
将此代码添加到您的 css 文件中:
@media (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 480px) {
margin: 0 !important;
width: 100% !important;
margin: 0 !important;
width: 100% !important;
.recaptchatable #recaptcha_image {
margin: 0 !important;
width: 100% !important;
.recaptchatable .recaptcha_r1_c1,
.recaptchatable .recaptcha_r3_c1,
.recaptchatable .recaptcha_r3_c2,
.recaptchatable .recaptcha_r7_c1,
.recaptchatable .recaptcha_r8_c1,
.recaptchatable .recaptcha_r3_c3,
.recaptchatable .recaptcha_r2_c1,
.recaptchatable .recaptcha_r4_c1,
.recaptchatable .recaptcha_r4_c2,
.recaptchatable .recaptcha_r4_c4,
.recaptchatable .recaptcha_image_cell {
margin: 0 !important;
width: 100% !important;
background: none !important;
回答by Hardik
Try this one. Google responsive reCAPTCHA
试试这个。Google 响应式 reCAPTCHA
回答by A. Bar
The best way is that you use the google recaptcha and use this css code to make responsive,
最好的方法是你使用google recaptcha并使用这个css代码来做出响应,
#rc-imageselect, .g-recaptcha {
display: inline; //the most important
max-width: 100%;
width: 100% !important;
height: 78px;
transform:scale(0.77); //the code to rescale the captcha obtained in this page
text-align: center;
position: relative;
回答by Nelly Sattari
You can simply add some transform style for the specific device you needed:
@media only screen and (max-width : 767px) {
#rc-imageselect, .g-recaptcha {
transform: scale(0.77);
-webkit-transform: scale(0.77);
transform-origin: 0 0;
-webkit-transform-origin: 0 0; }
回答by Bréndal Teixeira
In my case I decreased the scale of it and I force some horizontal alignment on centerthrough Bootstrap 4grid system. Click hereto see the result.
在我的情况下,我减小了它的比例,并通过Bootstrap 4网格系统强制在中心进行一些水平对齐。 单击此处查看结果。
<div class="row justify-content-center">
<div class="col g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="check_reCaptcha_doc_to_set_this" style="width: 304px !important; max-width: 304px !important; -ms-transform: scale(0.8, 0.8); -webkit-transform: scale(0.8, 0.8); transform: scale(0.8, 0.8); margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">
回答by chickens
This is my solution with media queries. I use scale to scale it down to a reasonable size for mobile.
这是我的媒体查询解决方案。我使用 scale 将其缩小到适合移动设备的合理大小。
A simple and effective solution:
@media (max-width:575px) {
#rc-imageselect, .g-recaptcha {
transform-origin:0 0;
margin-bottom: -20px;
回答by Manthan Patel
Simple you have to copy style attribute from below code to your code then your problem will solved.
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-theme="light" data-sitekey="XXXXXXXXXXXXX"
style="transform:scale(0.77);-webkit-transform:scale(0.77);transform-origin:0 0;-
webkit-transform-origin:0 0;"></div>
For more details open this Link