CSS 引导标签输入宽度
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bootstrap tags input width
提问by lowcoupling
I am trying to use bootstrap tagsinputin a form contained in a modal like this
<div class="form-group">
<label for="myTagLabel">Tags:</label>
<input class="form-control" id="myTag" type="text" data-role="tagsinput">
As you can see in the image above I can't see why the input doesn't have the width of the containing form.
UPDATEthis http://www.bootply.com/f43d1A0YxKreproduces the issue
回答by Mohamad
The reason you are seeing this behaviour is because bootstrap-tagsinput
actually hides the original input
element, and in its place adds a div
. You are seeing a div
element styled to look like a Bootstrap input element. So any CSS to affect the original input will not produce any changes.
. 您会看到一个div
元素的样式看起来像 Bootstrap 输入元素。所以任何影响原始输入的 CSS 都不会产生任何变化。
What you want to change is the .bootstrap-tagsinput
.bootstrap-tagsinput {
width: 100% !important;
Here's a demo: http://www.bootply.com/1iATJfFM69
这是一个演示:http: //www.bootply.com/1iATJfFM69
回答by Dan
Add display: block;
to the .bootstrap-tagsinput
class in your CSS. As noted by Mohamad this class is not present in your own HTML, but when you inspect element/view source you can see that the input is wrapped in a <div class="bootstrap-tagsinput">
添加display: block;
CSS 中的类。正如 Mohamad 所指出的,这个类不存在于您自己的 HTML 中,但是当您检查元素/视图源时,您可以看到输入被包装在<div class="bootstrap-tagsinput">
display: block;
This will overwrite the display: inline-block;
that is being inherited.
这将覆盖display: inline-block;
Bootply Demo
Bootply 演示
回答by John Smith
Cristian almost guessed it
somewhere in js:
Cristian 几乎
在 js 的某个地方猜到了:
$('.bootstrap-tagsinput > input').css('width', '');
and in css:
在 css 中:
.bootstrap-tagsinput input {
width: 10em;
回答by Tyler Evans
I see the tagsinput plugin you are using comes with its own css file.
我看到您使用的标签输入插件带有自己的 css 文件。
These css rules are automatically being added to your input when you add the data-role="tagsinput".
当您添加 data-role="tagsinput" 时,这些 css 规则会自动添加到您的输入中。
.bootstrap-tagsinput {
background-color: #fff;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
box-shadow: inset 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
display: inline-block;
padding: 4px 6px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
color: #555;
vertical-align: middle;
border-radius: 4px;
max-width: 100%;
line-height: 22px;
cursor: text;
.bootstrap-tagsinput input {
border: none;
box-shadow: none;
outline: none;
background-color: transparent;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
width: auto !important;
max-width: inherit; //Try change this to 100% !important;
display: block; // Add this in
You need to update these so they don't over rule native bootstrap rule.
回答by Cristian A. Rodríguez Enríquez
The reason you are seeing this behaviour is because the style actually override the width attribute:
style="width: 3em ! important;"
Remove the style:
$('.bootstrap-tagsinput > input').prop( "style", null );
This should work properly.
Additionally, set the desired width with CSS:
此外,使用 CSS 设置所需的宽度:
.bootstrap-tagsinput input { width:100%!important; }