CSS 替换 JQueryUI 对话框的关闭图标

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时间:2020-08-30 02:01:01  来源:igfitidea点击:

Replacing the Close icon for a JQueryUI Dialog box


提问by Axle

After extensive searching on this topic, I haven't been able to find an answer, so hopefully someone can help me with this issue. I have a relatively basic dialog box:


    resizable: false,
    width: dimensionData.width,
    modal: true,
    title: dimensionData.title,
    position: [x,y],
    open: function() {
        $("#dialog-search .dateField").blur();
    close: function(event, ui){

What I want to do is replace the X icon (ui-icon-close) with a different icon provided by the ui (ui-icon-minus), so that clicking the minus icon closes the dialog instead. I've seen posts on how to hide the icon or replace it with a custom image in css, but I haven't yet found a way to replace the icon with another icon to perform the same functionality.

我想要做的是用 ui (ui-icon-minus) 提供的不同图标替换 X 图标 (ui-icon-close),以便单击减号图标关闭对话框。我已经看过有关如何隐藏图标或用 css 中的自定义图像替换它的帖子,但我还没有找到用另一个图标替换图标以执行相同功能的方法。

Edit: I also want to be able to use ui-icon-close for a different functionality in my dialog box by adding a custom behavior/location, but that may be outside the scope for this question. Feel free to address this if it's a related solution, though.

编辑:我还希望能够通过添加自定义行为/位置在我的对话框中使用 ui-icon-close 来实现不同的功能,但这可能超出了这个问题的范围。不过,如果这是一个相关的解决方案,请随意解决这个问题。

回答by Quincy

Try to see the structure of the dialog and it should not be hard to do it.




Use the createevent to change the class of the close button icon to class of another icon will do.




    create: function(event, ui) { 
      var widget = $(this).dialog("widget");
      $(".ui-dialog-titlebar-close span", widget)

回答by udalmik

Old question, but maybe I'll help someone. Following CSSmade the trick for me, totally custom Closebutton UI. Not very elegant :), but works fine for me.

老问题,但也许我会帮助某人。以下CSS是我的诀窍,完全自定义Close按钮 UI。不是很优雅:),但对我来说很好用。

.ui-icon-closethick {
    background-image: url(images/my-10px-image.png) !important;
    background-position: left top !important;
    margin: 0 !important;

.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close, .ui-icon-closethick {
    width: 10px !important;
    height: 10px !important;

.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close {
    background: none !important;
    border: none !important;

.ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close, .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar-close:hover {
    padding: 0 !important;

My custom close button shown below:
