CSS 背景:无与背景:透明有什么区别?

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时间:2020-08-30 01:25:11  来源:igfitidea点击:

background:none vs background:transparent what is the difference?


提问by web-tiki

Is there a difference betweenthese two CSS properties:

这两个 CSS 属性之间区别吗:

background: none;
background: transparent;
  1. Are they both valid?
  2. Which one should be used and why?
  1. 它们都有效吗?
  2. 应该使用哪一个,为什么?

采纳答案by Quentin

There is no difference between them.


If you don't specify a value for any of the half-dozen properties that backgroundis a shorthand for, then it is set to its default value. noneand transparentare the defaults.


One explicitly sets the background-imageto noneand implicitly sets the background-colorto transparent. The other is the other way around.

一个显式设置background-imagetonone和隐式设置background-colorto transparent。另一种是反过来。

回答by gmo

As aditional information on @Quentinanswer, and as he rightly says, backgroundCSS property itself, is a shorthand for:

作为@Quentin回答的附加信息,正如他所说的那样, backgroundCSS 属性本身是以下内容的简写:


That's mean, you can group all styles in one, like:


background: red url(../img.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat fixed;

This would be (in this example):


background-color: red;
background-image: url(../img.jpg);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-position: 0 0;

So... when you set: background:none;
you are saying that all the background properties are set to none...
You are saying that background-image: none;and all the others to the initialstate (as they are not being declared).
So, background:none;is:

你是说background-image: none;所有其他属性都被设置为initial状态(因为它们没有被声明)。

background-color: initial;
background-image: none;
background-repeat: initial;
background-attachment: initial;
background-position: initial;

Now, when you define only the color (in your case transparent) then you are basically saying:


background-color: transparent;
background-image: initial;
background-repeat: initial;
background-attachment: initial;
background-position: initial;

I repeat, as @Quentin rightly saysthe defaulttransparentand nonevalues in this caseare the same, so in your example and for your original question, No, there's no difference between them.


But!.. if you say background:noneVs background:redthen yes... there's a big diference, as I say, the first would set all properties to none/defaultand the second one, will only change the colorand remains the rest in his defaultstate.

但是!.. 如果你说background:noneVsbackground:red那么是的......有一个很大的不同,正如我所说,第一个将所有属性设置none/default为第二个,只会改变color并保持其余的default状态。

So in brief:


Short answer: No, there's no difference at all (in your example and orginal question)
Long answer: Yes, there's a big difference, but depends directly on the properties granted to attribute.


Upd1: Initial value (aka default)


Initial value the concatenation of the initial values of its longhand properties:

Initial value 其普通属性的初始值的串联:

background-image: none
background-position: 0% 0%
background-size: auto auto
background-repeat: repeat
background-origin: padding-box
background-style: is itself a shorthand, its initial value is the concatenation of its own longhand properties
background-clip: border-box
background-color: transparent

See more backgrounddescriptions here


Upd2: Clarify better the background:none;specification.


回答by herman

To complement the other answers: if you want to reset all background properties to their initial value (which includes background-color: transparentand background-image: none) without explicitly specifying any value such as transparentor none, you can do so by writing:

补充其他答案:如果您想将所有背景属性重置为其初始值(包括background-color: transparentbackground-image: none)而不明确指定任何值,例如transparentor none,您可以通过编写:

background: initial;